Terms of employment in the public sector

All figures are based on the results of a survey conducted among IDA’s members employed in the public sector.

5,879 publicly employed members responded, corresponding to 39% of those invited to participate. The survey was conducted from 15 September to 11 October 2022.

The total includes all responses, including those who have not states their collective agreement area.

1. Working hours and shifts

Weekly working hours

Members’ actual weekly working hours. It is not described whether they include or exclude lunch, but OK18 stipulates a paid meal break as a collective agreement right. Hence, most responses include a lunch break.

The average number of additional work (in hours) is among the share who stated that they have working hours in addition to their agreed weekly working hours.

Renumeration for additional work

Share of those with additional work who are renumerated for some or all of their overtime work.

Scheduled to work during evenings/nights or weekends/bank holidays

Do you, in an average month, have scheduled work hours in the evening/night (between 17-07), on weekends or on Bank Holidays (this includes teaching, meetings and on-call duty)?

Scheduled evening work

The total amount of scheduled evening work, among those who have it.

Scheduled work on weekend/bank holidays

The total amount of scheduled work on weekends/bank holidays, among those who have it.

Share with necessary evening/weekend work

Is it, in your job, necessary to work evenings or weekends in addition to the scheduled hours – for instance due to teaching, lab work or other?

  • Total amount of evening work among those who have it, in hours pr month on average
  • Total amount of weekend work among those who have it, in hours pr month on average

On-call duty scheme

Were you during the time between October 2020 and September 2021 part of an on-call duty scheme which meant that for periods of time, you were obligated to be on call to perform work tasks outside your normal working hours?

Hours you are obliged to be available

  • Total number of hours you are required to be available as part of the on-call duty pr month

2. Other employment terms

Fixed-term position

Share employed in a fixed-term position

Travel days

A travel day is a workday where you don’t spend the night at home. Number of days per year.

How often can one take up to two days off if one’s child is ill?

Do you have the option to take up to two days off if your child is ill (children under 18)? Only responses from members with children under 18 years of age, and who didn’t respond "Don’t know".

Days off paid by employer

Are the following days employer-paid days off for you – so-called customary days off?

3. Employee benefits

Employee benefits

Do you receive any of the following employee benefits (fully or partially paid) that you dispose of for private use?

4. Competence development

Share who participated in competence development

Have you participated in any of the following types of competence development in the past year?

  • On-the-job-training or side-person training
  • E-learning/Massive Open Online Course (e.g., Coursera and Udacity)
  • Internal courses (courses run by the organization you work for)
  • Supplier courses (courses held by suppliers of machinery, hardware, software, or the like)
  • Privately offered continuing education
  • Publicly offered continuing education (e.g., from a university or other educational institution)
  • Self-study of literature, video (e.g., TED-talks) etc.
  • Other type

If yes to one of these, you have participated in competence development.

Days of competence development

The number of members who have participated in competency development and stated the number of days they did so. I.e., no responses with 0 days are included. The share of time spent in/outside working hours is also based on the responses from this group.

Data cleansed so the max number of days possible is 100 days per year.

Participated during normal working hours

How much of the time you spent on competency development has been during your normal working hours?

Expenses for competency development

The numbers are based on responses from everyone who participated, but the numbers stated excludes respondents who responded, “Don’t know.”

5. Senior scheme

Only member aged 55 or older have been asked about senior schemes.

Share with a senior scheme

Have you made an agreement with your employer about changes to your employment terms to come into force now or later?

If you have such a scheme at present or later, you have a senior scheme.

Right to a special scheme for senior employees

It is assumed that members who responded “yes” to at least one of the following questions have a senior scheme:

  • Have you made an agreement with your employer that you now have or will later get different terms (e.g., working hours, tasks and/or salary) in your employment?
  • Are you entitled to such a scheme?
  • Do you have the option of such a scheme?

Elements included in the schemes

Responses from members stating which elements are included in their senior scheme.

  • Reduced hours with partial or full salary/pension compensation
  • Reduced hours without salary/pension compensation
  • More flexible hours, including the option for remote work
  • Extra holidays/ days off
  • More flexible options for taking time off in lieu of flexi time
  • Managing other types of tasks, e.g., mentoring
  • Being given less demanding tasks, e.g., less responsibility
  • Being given more demanding tasks/more responsibility
  • Having to partake in competence development