As a member of IDA you can try out our Company statistics (requires login to Mit IDA).
IDA's company statistics are based on IDA's annual salary statistics among our members.
With IDA's Company Statistics, you can see whether you are above or below the general salary level in the company where you are employed.
You can also use IDA's Company Statistics to compare salary levels across companies, so that you can, for example, see the salary level in competing companies.
You can use both parts as a starting point in your next salary negotiation, whether you are going to the annual salary negotiation in your current job, you are going to change jobs, or you are going to apply for your first job as a recent graduate.
Salary negotiation: How to negotiate your salary
Changing jobs? Get help with your job search
Every year, IDA collects data among its members regarding their salaries. IDA's members include:
and other STEM professionals who are employed within the private or public sector (state, municipalities and regions).
IDA's Company Statistics are made on the basis of members' reports on their salary and working conditions.
IDA's Company Statistics are updated with the latest figures on December 5, 2024.
IDA's Company Statistics show a salary index for companies where more than 5 IDA members are employed.
The company statistics are divided into sections so that you can see statistics for each company, respectively with and without managers.
The index is calculated as the total salary for each company divided by the average salary for employees with the same education and graduate year, as those employed at the company. If the index is above 100, it indicates that the company in average pays a salary which is higher than average.
Companies with fewer than 5 responses do not appear in IDA's Company Statistics.
Do you get a fair salary? Get help finding the answer with IDA's many salary tools. All tools are reserved for members and require you to log in:
IDA's Salary statistics for private employees, public employees and the self-employed
IDA Salary calculator - get a personal salary check
IDA's Guide to Employment Terms - compare terms of employment across companies
My Salary - follow the development of your salary
Get help preparing for a salary negotiation and get paid what you deserve! As a member of IDA, you get free access to our salary tools, salary negotiation courses, and personal advice on salary.