
What are IDA's professional communities?

If you are looking to take part in courses, conferences, after-hours meetings and company visits, then you will definitely benefit from our many communities. Learn more about IDA's communities right here.

What are IDA's professional communities?

IDA's professional communities are networks based on industry, field or area of expertise.

There are over 70 professional communities to choose from within subjects that reflect the wide range of expertise and interests among IDA's members - all free to members. The communities vary a great deal in size and the number of annual events they host. The professional communities arrange a large number of annual events such as conferences, company visits, meetings, field trips and social events. 

You can join IDA Environment, a community about environmental engineering, meet high level IT-professionals in IDA IT, or interact with others with an interest in food production and the food sector in IDA Food Science.

IDA's professional communities also go by the terms networks or professional networks.

View the full list of professional communities here

Why should I join a professional community though IDA?

IDA's communities are a great way to update and develop your professional skills – and perhaps even find a new job, if you are looking for one. If you enjoy taking part in specialist, technical discussions and activities that strengthen your knowledge and expand your professional horizons – and give you the optimal setting for networking with people in your professional field, IDA's communities are for you.

As a member of that professional community, you get: 

  • Invitations to events, seminars, webinars and conferences within the community area 
  • Free admission or discount to conferences held by the community. 
  • Opportunity to expand your network with others with the same expertise or interests as you 
  • Knowledge of trends and tendencies within the subject area.

What professional communities does IDA have?

IDA has over 70 professional communities within topics such as construction, environment, transport, health, food, innovation and safety. 

The communities are grouped for these topics: 

  • Building and Construction 
  • IT, telecommunications and electronics 
  • Energy, environment and sustainable development 
  • Production and industry 
  • Chemistry, plastics and materials 
  • Transport and infrastructure 
  • Natural sciences, health and food 
  • Innovation, design and new technology 
  • Safety, defence, and risk 
  • Management, the self-employed and working environment 
  • Young professionals and PhD 
  • Other communities

Who can become a member of IDA's professional communities?

IDA's professional communities are open to both IDA members and non-members. 

In certain professional communities, companies or institutions can also purchase a company membership. 

On each professional community's website, you can read what types of memberships you can get in the individual community.

What is the price for being a member of a professional community?

As a member of IDA, it is free to be a member of IDA's professional communities. 

Membership for non-members and company memberships cost money. You can see the current prices and options on the pages of the individual communities. 

If membership of the network costs money, you can register the bill with Betalingsservice for automatic payment.

How to register the bill for Betalingsservice

See the overview of IDA's professional communities

How do I become a member of a professional community?

You become a member of IDA's professional communities by finding the relevant professional community's page on and registering. 

If you are not a member of IDA, you must create a user profile on IDA's member portal My IDA in order to register for a professional community. 

See the overview and register for professional communities 

You can also register for professional communities here

What is a company membership of a professional community?

Companies and institutions can become members of IDA's professional communities through a company membership.

A company membership of IDA: 

  • Gives the company's employees the opportunity to develop their professionalism among colleagues and get input, sparring, networking and current knowledge about their professionalism and competences.  
  • Makes it possible for employees in the company to participate in events and conferences at a member's price - often with a discount 

A company membership costs between DKK 500 and DKK 3,000.  

You can read more about company membership on the pages of the individual professional communities.

When you buy a company membership, you must write the name of the person who is the contact person for the company membership. The person receives the invoice and any material from the professional community.

Buy company membership of IDA's professional communities 

Company membership: How to use it

If the company where you are employed has purchased company membership of one or more of IDA's professional communities, each employee must have their own personal user profile on My IDA to be able to register and unregister from events.

If you are already a member of IDA or have a user profile on My IDA:

  • Log in to My IDA and register where you work under My Profile in the My informations tab in the Occupation box.

    After this, the system itself recognizes your company membership every time you register for an event, and gives you a special price when applicable.

    Log in and register your employment on My IDA

If you are not a member of IDA or have a user profile on My IDA:

  • You must create a user profile on My IDA, even if you are not a member of IDA.

    Create your user profile on My IDA

  • To use the company membership, you must register where you work under My Profile in the My Informations tab in the Occupation box.

    After this, the system itself recognizes your company membership every time you register and gives you a special price when applicable.

    Log in and register your employment on My IDA

If you have any questions about your company membership, you can contact the network coordinator of the relevant community. You can find contact information for the relevant network coordinator at the very bottom of the professional community's page on

See an overview of all IDA's professional communities

How are the professional communities organised?

IDA's communities are run by volunteering IDA members who are passionate about their subject of interest.

Would you like to become a volunteer in IDA and join an already existing community or create a new one? 

How to become a volunteer in an IDA

How do I unsubscribe from a professional community?

You can unsubscribe from one of IDA's professional communities on My IDA under My registrations - My networks. 

Log in to Mit IDA and unsubscribe from IDA's professional communities

How do I get fewer newsletters from the professional communities?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to reduce the frequency of the individual professional communities' newsletters. 

If you are no longer interested in receiving newsletters from IDA's professional communities, you can log in to My IDA and unsubscribe from the newsletter. 

Log in to Mit IDA and unsubscribe from newsletters

I do not receive newsletters from the professional communities I am registered for - why?

Joining IDAs professional and regional communities

IDA offers different types of membership to our communities. If you are not a member of IDA, you can still be associated with specific professional communities by subscribing as a corporate or guest member.

Personal membership is free, but requires you to be an IDA member. Members of IDA can join as many communities as they want. 
Guest Memberships are available to those who are not members of IDA and cost DKK 400 per year.
Corporate memberships are available - to apply, visit this form.

To register for a particular community, find the one you want to join and register.

Looking for a more closeknit professional forum? Try IDA's Peer groups

IDAs peer groups are closeknit and confidential groups that meet five times a year at facilitated meetings. The groups are made up of up to 15 carefully matched members, who meet on basis of a shared interest.

We offer professional peer groups and peer groups with a focus on career and personal development. Whether you are a machine learning specialist, graduate student or dreaming of a new job, we can assure you that there are other IDA members, who can relate to the situation you are in.

At the moment, eight of our peer groups are facilitated in English.

You can read more about them here