Frequently asked questions about IDA's newsletters

With IDA's newsletters, you get information about your working life, invitations to events and discount codes and offers directly in your inbox. Find out what to do if you are experiencing an issue with IDA's newsletters.

As a member of IDA, you have access to a range of newsletters that strengthen your professionalism and contain relevant information about your working life.

You receive some newsletters automatically when you join IDA. This includes:

  • IDA Newsletter: IDA's main newsletter comes approx. every two weeks and has the most important information about your working life right now.
  • IDA Learning: Overview of IDA's upcoming courses and inspiration for your next event or course.

Other IDA newsletters require that you actively sign up to receive them:

  • IDA Benefits: A good overview of the cash benefits included in your membership, such as discount codes, offers and travel deals.
  • IDA's professional communities: The newsletters from IDA's professional communities, such as IDA Civil Engineering, IDA Environment, IDA Food Science and IDA Automative, keep you updated on the latest knowledge via professional articles, videos and webinars that are relevant to your particular field of expertise. You will also receive invitations to after-work meetings, lectures, conferences and workshops.

Read more about IDA's professional communities

How to subscribe to and unsubscribe from IDA's newsletters

If you are a member or have a user profile on My IDA, you can manage your newsletter subscriptions on My IDA.

Log in to My IDA and go to My sign-ups - My Newsletters. Here you will find a list of all IDA's newsletters. This is also where you can subscribe to or unsubscribe from each individual newsletter. 

Log in and manage IDA newsletters on My IDA 

Are you not a member of IDA and do you not have a user profile on My IDA?

Sign up or unsubscribe from IDA's newsletters here

Why am I not receiving newsletters from IDA?

There may be several reasons why you do not receive your newsletter, even if you are, for example, registered with a professional or regional community.

On My IDA under My newsletters, you can check that you are subscribed to the newsletter.

Log in and check your newsletters on My IDA 

If you are registered and you do not receive your newsletter, the reason may be: 

  • The newsletter may have ended up in your spam filter or in the spam folder. Find the newsletter in the spam filter or in the spam folder and mark the newsletter as 'not spam'.  

You can contact IDA's member service if none of these points solve your problem. 

Write to member services here 

You can always register and unsubscribe from all IDA's newsletters via My IDA. 

Log in and unsubscribe or sign up for newsletters on My IDA