
Take part in IDA's salary statistics 2023

As a private sector employee or self-employed person, you can now share your salary data and help make IDA's Salary Statistics and Salary Calculator even better, so that you stand stronger in your next salary negotiation.

Note: Thank you for contributing your data. The collection of salary data has ended, and all members will receive an email with the updated salary statistics around 7 December 2023.

Would you like to have the best possible tools to calculate your salary level, so that you stand strong in a salary negotiation?

If you're self-employed or employed in the private sector and a member of IDA, now is the time to contribute to IDA's salary statistics.

Data from IDA's Salary Statistics is also used to update IDA's Salary Calculator, IDA's Guide to Employment Terms and IDA's Company Statistics. And the more people participate, the better IDA's salary tools will be.

Here is how it works:

All private sector employees and self-employed members of IDA have received an email with a personal link on 27 September 2023.

The email is based on the information you have provided about your position and your email address on your profile on My IDA.

The sender of the email is IDA <> (the x's are individual)

Can't you find the email about participating in IDA's Salary Statistics? try searching for "IDA's salary statistics" in your mail system or check whether the mail is in another folder - for example "Other mail" or "Spam".

The deadline for participating in this year's salary statistics is 25 October 2023.

Here's what you'll need to share your salary in IDA's Salary Statistics:

You must have access to your pay slip from September in order to participate in the collection of data for this year's salary statistics.

It takes only 7 minutes on average to answer the survey.

Why you should share your salary:

Those who share their salary data will be sent a personal salary profile with a salary level tailored to their individual profile.

In addition, you will receive an email with IDA's latest salary statistics in December 2023.

As a member of IDA, you can use all of IDA's salary tools with current data at any time after December 2023, so that you have a good starting point for your next salary negotiation.

Are you employed in the public sector?

If you are employed in the public sector we have now finished collecting the data. 

Problems, contact and confidentiality

Did you not receive the correct email with the correct survey? Then it could be due to:

If you would like to participate or have questions about the salary statistics, you are welcome to contact chief analyst Finn Tidemand at

Your answers will be treated confidentially in accordance with § 3 of the main articles of association, including ensuring the best salary and pension conditions for the members.

Check your salary

Use IDA's salary tools

As a member, you can check your salary level with IDA's Salary Statistics, Salary Calculator, Company Statistics and Terms Guide.

Try IDA's salary tools