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Salary and contracts

Are you getting paid enough for your work? IDA offers advice and assistance about salary, as well as a number of resources to help you get the right salary for your work.

Get an insight in salaries for your profile - and information on what others like you earn

It can be difficult to know whether your salary is right if you do not know the salary level of your colleagues. As an international professional working in Denmark, it might be particularly challenging to navigate the jungle of salaries and salary negotiations.

Naturally, you should get the same salary as a Dane, and with IDA’s salary statistics, you can see what others with the same profile as you earn. The statistics is one of the core services included in your IDA membership, and it gives you important information to prepare for an increase of your salary. 

IDA’s Salary Statistics shows what IDA-members with different profiles earn on average, and that is a powerful tool for your upcoming salary negotiations. The Salary Statistics is based on data from IDA-members concerning salary, benefits, working hours, and all other aspects of a modern salary package. You can view average levels for your education, job type, industry, and seniority.

With these insights, you are in a stronger position at your next salary negotiation and have a stronger case for getting the salary you deserve.

Try IDA’s salary calculator

You can also type in your details in IDA’s salary calculator and get a detailed estimate of what you should expect to be paid, based on your information.

The salary calculator shows the average salary, median salary, and fractiles for the chosen profile. You should note that the salary level for a given profile may vary.

Company statistics – See how your employer benchmarks to other companies

You can also view the salary level for specific companies with more than five IDA-members employed. The company statistics is divided into sections, so there is one which includes leaders, and one which does not.

IDAs company statistics is updated with a salary index for companies with more than 5 members employed. The company statistic is divided into an index with executives and an index without executives for each company. Use it for the index for your company or to benchmark with other companies.

6,000 contract reviews a year. Can we help you as well to a higher salary and better conditions?

As a member of IDA, you can always get help from our legal counsellors. This may be particularly useful if a conflict arises between you and your employer or you become ill.

But you can also get legal counselling on everyday matters and when you get a new job or responsibility. Every year, we go through 6,000 contracts to help secure higher salaries and better conditions for our members.

We can also help you find the right arguments to use at your salary negotiation to make sure you receive the salary you are worth - or to get better conditions in your contract.