Late career

Plan 2: Career planning - it's never too late

Decide for yourself how your late career should take shape and perhaps change direction or be scaled back. That process can be difficult to get a handle on. But IDA has a wide range of offers and tools that you can use to get started

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You may have come a long way in your career and have hopefully had good and exciting jobs. Many IDA members, with a mixture of skill, diligence, good managers, luck and chance, have had quite a good working life without the need for much planning.

But there is much evidence that it is a really good idea to start planning actively - especially in the later part of your career. The later career stages contain lots of possibilities, some pitfalls - and you no longer have an infinite amount of time.

Another slightly unpleasant aspect is that most people have to face the fact that their strength decreases and their health becomes a little more fragile. Experience can go a long way to compensate, but the aging of the body is a factor that must be taken into account.

IDA has a wide range of services and experienced advisers who have given many members a better working life - and even helped members through crises. But unfortunately, it is mainly the younger members who use the offers. So consider following their example by exploring IDA's digital tools and personal adviser services.

Five good tips to get you started

  1. What is important to you?
    Find out what is most important for you to thrive and be motivated at your job. Write it down.
    Start simply with two columns: What motivates me - what drains me? 
  2. Perhaps there are already options.
    Do you want to adjust your priorities, e.g. seek out other professional challenges, more flexibility or shorter working hours?
    There may already be opportunities at your workplace - check the staff handbook or ask your trade union representative.
  3. What you can do
    Consider how you can get more of what you enjoy. Do you just want to talk to your manager, do you need to develop your skills, or do you need to change jobs?
  4. Tell others about your thoughts
    It forces you to articulate them. It can be a friend, a trusted colleague or an experienced adviser from IDA.
  5. Check your plan every two years
    Your wishes, your capacity and the conditions at your workplace can change - so check the plan every two years.

Get started with the late career toolkit

View IDA's career planning tools