Job Searching

Searching for job in Denmark

IDA helps you with advice and coaching when you are looking for a job in Denmark.

How do I find a job in Denmark?

Like in most countries, in Denmark, job postings are available on online platforms like Jobfinder and LinkedIn. But many positions are also filled through networking and headhunting processes. 

Learn more about where and how to look for jobs in Denmark

Show it, don't tell it when it comes to CVs and applications

Most Danish employers prefer that potential candidates showcase their abilities by making concise and relevant reference to their experience. Rather than writing long detailed accounts of your career, you get far by giving examples and linking these to your skillset.

Find out how to write CVs and applications in Denmark

Get answers to your questions about finding work in Denmark

What are employers looking for and how do applications and interviews work in Denmark? As a member of IDA, the largest Danish trade union for STEM professionals, you can book a career counselling session with one of our experienced counsellors and get answers to all your questions.

Find out more and book a meeting with one of our experienced Career counsellors