In IDA, we have established an offer whereby recent graduates can have an online coffee meeting with another more experienced IDA member who has experience or knowledge of the industry in which the recent graduate is seeking employment. Through the coffee meeting, the new graduate can ask questions about working life and the industry, and get advice on the job search process.
By joining as an experienced IDA member, you agree that we may match you with recent graduates seeking jobs in the industry in which you have experience or knowledge. You will be matched with a maximum of one graduate per round, and we run three rounds per year: in February, May and October.
You are not a job counsellor and there is no expectation that you will find the graduate a job or open your network to him or her uncritically. But we do expect you to be willing to share your own experiences, reflections and insights in the sector(s) you are familiar with. In addition, you are welcome to offer tips and tricks that the new graduate can take forward after your interview.
The new graduate is the proactive one who is responsible for contacting you, agreeing the time and setting the agenda for the meeting. The new graduate is also made aware that this is not about getting a job, but about getting training in networking and getting relevant information that they can use in their job search.
You register at the bottom of the page by filling in the registration form (Opens on a new page). Once completed, you will receive an email receipt with more information about when the next round will start and when you will hear from us.
We hope you have the time and inclination to help a recent IDA graduate with a few tips and tricks for their job search.
If you have any questions, please contact Emilie Lindquist by e-mail or phone 33189758
Be matched with a recent IDA graduate