
Change of agreed holiday

Your employer may not cancel or change your holidays once they have begun. However, in special circumstances, your employer may make changes to your scheduled holiday.

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In special situations, your employer may make changes to your scheduled holiday before it begins

Your employer can only change an already planned holiday in particularly critical and unpredictable situations. For example, it is not enough that there is illness among your colleagues while you are away. In that case, any changes to your holiday must be made before it begins.

If you suffer a financial loss in connection with changing your planned holiday, you can claim the loss covered by your employer.

You should keep in mind that you might be employed under a collective agreement where other rules are in place.

Contact IDA if you are not sure which collective agreement regulates your employment


Special rules concerning government employees

As a government employee, slightly different rules apply if your holiday is changed either before or after you have started it. Your employer may change or cancel planned holiday in the event of significant operational considerations and unforeseen circumstances.

  • If your holiday is changed after it has been planned, you may be entitled to compensation. It amounts to 1.8 paid hours per. rescheduled holiday.
  • If your holiday is changed after it has started, the compensation is greater. It involves compensation for any financial loss and 3.6 hours of paid hours per. rescheduled holiday.

Can you be required to work during the holidays?

If you have started your holiday, your employer cannot interrupt it. You can therefore not be required to work during your holiday.

However, it does not count as an interruption of your holiday if you receive a few short inquiries from your employer - for example in the form of a phone call with a practical question. You choose whether you want to answer the call or not.

If you choose to work during your holiday, your holiday will be automatically interrupted and you will be back at work. Should that situation arise, you should contact IDA for specific advice.

Contact IDA and get advice

Can your manager require you to be available during your holidays?

You are entitled not to be disturbed by your employer during the holidays in the form of telephone calls or by having to check emails - even if you have a work phone. You therefore have the right to reject inquiries in the form of emails or calls from your employer when your holiday has begun.