Union representatives

Works Council (SU)

Companies with more than 35 employees have a duty to inform and consult the employees. Here it may be appropriate to set up a works council (in Danish Samarbejdsudvalg/SU).

In the private sector, there is no right or obligation to set up a works council, unless this follows from a collective agreement or local agreement. However, companies with more than 35 employees are required to inform and consult the employees. Here it may be appropriate to set up a works council.

If you are in doubt as to whether it is possible to set up a works council at your company, you should contact IDA via our contact form. 

Standard agreement for works councils

IDA has drawn up a standard agreement on collaboration committees. The standard agreement is intended as inspiration and can thus be adapted to the individual companies.

Download the standard agreement as a PDF:

IDA’s standard agreement on works councils (DK)

IDA's standard agreement on works councils (EN)

What help and service can IDA offer for a works council?

IDA can be helpful with advice and support in the start-up phase.

If you are elected as a representative on the works council, you must contact IDA so that you can be reported to the employer.