A companion is an objective person whose primary task is to support a colleague by accompanying them to meetings with management. The companion is typically present in cases concerning warnings or dismissals. Cases may also concern personal circumstances or illness.
Attending a meeting as a companion involves three steps – before, during and after the meeting.
Before the meeting
Before the meeting, it’s a good idea to:
- Hold a preliminary meeting and prepare
- Find out what the agenda is (if there is one)
- Determine what the member wants
- Get an understand of all the facts
- Clarify roles. Remember your role is primarily to listen and ask clarifying questions.
- Clarify your role with the member!
During the meeting
- Remember to walk into the meeting together and walk out together, sit on the correct side of the table, etc. – explain undramatically that you are there as a companion for the member
- The meeting is the member's forum; you are watching from the sideline
Your focus during the meeting:
- To ensure an impartial/objective basis
- To ensure that the agenda is followed
- To ensure that the member's rights are respected (but keep in mind that you are not a defence lawyer!)
- To safeguard the member's interests
- Is it time for a break?
- To stop the meeting if it gets sidetracked
- Listen and take notes during the meeting, the member may find it difficult to remember everything afterwards
- If a draft agreement or similar is handed out: take it and listen to what the employer has to say and agree on a date on when you will get back on it
- If the employer presents new unknown information during the meeting: consider taking a break from the meeting or postponing the item
- Always acknowledge receipt if the employer so requests
- Before the meeting ends: make sure there is a common understanding of any conclusions
- To follow up – when/how?
After the meeting
After the meeting has taken place, it is important to follow up with both the member and the employer:
- Have a brief conversation with the member – what was said? How did you experience the meeting?
- Make sure the member is clear about what will happen next
- Make a realistic assessment of the situation – in the short term and in the long term
- Refer the member to IDA or contact IDA, if necessary
- If the employer has taken minutes: do they match your experience? Do you recognise your comments?
- Assess any agreements, written material and similar – is the member aware of rights and obligations?