Did you know that IDA's direction is shaped by members just like yourself?
As a democratic society, IDA is governed by the Board of Representatives which sets the direction for IDA's work and elects the President and executive committee.
In March and April 2025, IDA's members choose who will sit on the Board of Representatives for the next 3 years. All IDA members who have finished their studies may run for the Board of representatives.
The Board of Representatives reserves 4 seats to student members. If you are a student and member of IDA - and want to become politically active in IDA's Board of Representatives, please contact IDA STEM Students at idavalg@ida.dk for learn more about your opportunities for using your influence.
If you are committed to your subject and have an interest in politics, run in the IDA election! In the Board of Representatives, you gain influence over your trade union. You help promote a good framework for IDA members' lives and pave the way for technology and people in society.
You also gain a strong network and new skills when you help decide the strategy and policy that IDA works towards.
You do not need to have experience of political work to run for the Board of representatives in IDA.
Learn more about being a candidate
A political list is a group of IDA members with common interests and key issues. They join forces to nominate candidates for the Board of Representatives.
Each electoral list is headed by a list coordinator. Click here for an overview of all the electoral lists (In Danish).
You can compare the Board of Representatives to the Danish Parliament (Folketing). It is composed of a number of electoral lists (parties), each with their own key issues.
The 65 elected members of the Board of Representatives elect the President of IDA and appoints IDA’s Executive Committee, which is responsible for managing IDA. Together, they lay down the strategy for IDA as:
Read more at IDAvalg.dk
If you have questions about the IDA election
IDA's election secretariat is responsible for the practical organisation of the election on behalf of IDA's election committee.
Write an email to IDA's election secretariat at idavalg@ida.dk if you have questions about the election.