Python for beginners

Python for beginners
In this course you will receive an introduction to the most fundamental coding concepts, which you need to know and master in order to treat and analyse data in Python. Join our webinar and our instructor will guide you through everything.


Python is a programming language which is fairly easy to learn and widely used for web developing, machine learning and scientific data analysis in general.

In this course you will receive an introduction to the most fundamental coding concepts, which you need to know and master in order to treat and analyse data in Python.

Who is this course for?

This course is for you who have little or no experience with Python and programming in general.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Set up an interactive environment for writing and running Python codes
  • Write basic functions
  • Make loops and conditions
  • Convert mathematical formulas to code

Live webinars

IDA Studynow now offers online live webinars. The webinars are hosted on Zoom and you will follow the instructor live as he presents and demonstrates the program. During the webinar you get the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance on your potential challenges with Python.

Praktisk information

  • Time: 17.15-18.30
  • Where : This webinar will be hosted on Zoom and you will receive the Zoom details on the day of the webinar
  • The webinar will not be available afterwards. 

Online courses at Studynow

IDA Studynow offers online video courses. You can start, pause and review the course as many times as you would like. All you have to do is create a free Studynow user on:

Before you register on make sure to collect your discount code in the IDA app ‘Hello Fellow’ under the section ‘Fordele’ (benefits).

After doing this you are ready to watch all of our courses.


Benjamin Rotendahl has been working with Machine Learning and data analysis in Python for more than 5 years. Benjamin has taught both bachelor students as an instructor in Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen and younger kids as he is a volunteer teacher and board member of the Coding Pirates Association.

Privacy Policy

This webinar is a collaboration between IDA and Studynow. The list of participants is therefore available to both IDA and Studynow.


Registration procedure for the webinar: Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation e-mail. At the bottom of this mail you will find a link to the webinar. You log in through this link and are forwarded to the site where the webinar is shown.

Should you have any problems logging in, you are welcome to contact StudyNow at

Also check out our FAQ site where you can get answers to the most frequently asked questions in connection with webinars: FAQ about IDA webinars

Privacy info: If you would like to participate anonymously, we recommend you join by browser instead of using the Zoom software client or app, and when Zoom asks you to provide your name you can enter "Anon" or another pseudonym. Zoom processes personal information in global datacenters including USA and processing is carried out according to EU Commission standard data protection clauses. For further details, we refer you to the Zoom privacy policy available here:

It is not allowed to share the zoom link or the video link with others, or to record audio and images of the webinar.

Organizer: The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA

Sign up: Not a member? In order to sign up, you must create a user profile. Note, when creating a user profile, you will be able to access IDA's online services - you will not become a member of IDA.

Important information regarding personal data on participant lists: Your name, title and company will appear on the attendance list for this event. The participant list is available to the organizer and the other participants on the event itself, in the form of an online attendance list. In addition, at some events, name tags are provided, where your name, title and company appear. If you unsubscribe from the event, your information will not appear in the attendance list.
When you are registered as a participant at this webinar, you will also automatically receive info about the next webinar within the same subject area.

Vigtig oplysning vedr. persondata på deltagerlister: Dit navn, titel og firma vil optræde på deltagerlisten til dette arrangement. Deltagerlisten er tilgængelig for arrangøren og de øvrige deltagere på selve arrangementet i form af en online deltagerliste. Ved nogle arrangementer udleveres endvidere navneskilt, hvor dit navn, titel og firma fremgår. Hvis du afmelder dig arrangementet, vil dine oplysninger ikke fremgå af deltagerlisten.

Når du er tilmeldt som deltager på dette webinar, vil du også automatisk modtage info om næste webinar indenfor samme fagområde.

  • When

    8. jun. 2023 17:15 - 18:30
  • Where

    Webinar foran din egen pc, tablet, smartphone

  • Registration Deadline

    7. jun. 2023 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Nord

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
