Events and courses

FAQ about IDA webinars

On this page you can find answers to commonly asked questions about IDA webinars.

Where do I find upcoming webinars?

You can find them here (note webinars is available at - our Danish website).

Can I join the webinar from my iPad or phone?

Yes, you'll just have to follow the instructions when you sign in and download the designated app for the webinar.

If I have a question during the webinar, what do I do?

If you have questions about the content, you can ask questions by using the Q&A function. If your question concerns a technical matter then use the chat or send us an email to:

I am not allowed to log in, am I doing something wrong?

If you participate in the webinar from your work PC, you may experience that you are unable to log in due to a firewall (installed by your workplace). Therefore, it may be necessary to log in on your own PC or tablet.

Can I join Zoom anonymously?

If you like to participate anonymously, we recommend that you use a browser instead of using the Zoom software client or app. When Zoom asks you to enter your name, you can enter "Anon" or another pseudonym.

Where can I find videos from previously held webinars?

You can find all our webinars here.