Fusion Energy - Can we create a sun on Earth?

Fusion Energy - Can we create a sun on Earth?
Fusion researchers all over the world are currently working together to create an energy source, that can be crucial on the road to a safe, CO2 neutral and sustainable energy supply. Next step is the ITER - the world’s biggest fusion experiment.

One of the biggest problems of humankind is to simultaneously secure a transition to a sustainable energy supply while the global energy consumption is rising. In fusion research we are working towards harnessing the large quantities of energy that is release by fusion of light atomic nuclei. It is the same process taking place in our own Sun and across the entire universe, and it can also be created in reactors here on Earth. The fusion plasma in our laboratories has a temperature of 150-200 million degrees, approximately 10 times as hot as the core of the Sun, and it is kept floating by a powerful, donut shaped magnetic field. With fusion energy in our future, we would have a safe and a theoretically unending energy source with very little waste generation. 

The presenter of this event is Alexander Simon Thrysøe. Alexander is a tenure track researcher in the group of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Physics). His research focuses on plasma edge turbulence in fusion experiments, an important factor in the stability of the plasma, for the effectiveness of energy released in the experiments, and for the conditions of the plasma-facing components. Alongside his research, Alexander teaches at DTU and is also deeply involved in outreach activities, where he passionately educates high school students and their teachers about fusion energy.

In the presentation you will be taken through what fusion energy is and how decades of international research are slowly bringing us closer to that dream. The events focus will be the next big step, the world’s biggest research facility ITER, which is currently being built in the southern of France. ITER is a result of a truly incredible cooperation between the EU, Japan, South Korea, China, Russia, India, and United States. You will also hear about what is moving in the fusion research centres with a growing number of private companies working with fusion, and the last couples of years progress, which has gain traction all over the world, including Denmark. 

17:30 - 18:30 First half of presentation. 

18:30 - 19:00 Drinks and sandwiches. 

19:00 - 20:00 Second half of presentation

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Organizer: The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA

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  • When

    29. aug. 2024 17:30 - 20:00
  • Where

    Webinar - In front of your pc/tablet/phone

  • Registration Deadline

    28. aug. 2024 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Nuclear

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number


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