If you are in doubt how your terms are affected or have questions about OK24, you are welcome to contact IDA's legal advisers.
The Council of Employees and IDA Public Sector recommend that IDA's public sector members vote YES to the overall result of the public sector collective bargaining negotiations 2024 - also known as OK24:
"Salary was our main demand and the top priority for IDA's members at OK24. That's why we're pleased with the result we've achieved in the state, municipal and regional areas. All IDA members employed in the public sector will get a real salary increase. In addition, it is positive that the general salary increases are implemented at the beginning of the collective agreement period."
The financial framework of 8.8 per cent in the agreements, the majority of which is implemented in real salary increases and pension increases, means that real salaries during the period have been secured and improved for all IDA members employed in either the state, municipalities or regions, which was IDA's main demand.
Increased flexibility for employees has also been agreed in all settlements. The employee is now entitled to save up existing time off in the form of, among other things, the 6th holiday week over a longer period. In total, up to three weeks can be saved in the scheme, which can be used for flexible absence on individual days or as more continuous time off.
There are new and expanded options for free choice in the pension scheme. As a new feature, employees can choose to have part of their pension paid into a savings scheme in connection with their group pension scheme. The savings scheme allows for the financing of, for example, breaks in working life that are agreed with the employer. The employee can also choose to have the part of the pension contribution that exceeds 15 per cent paid out as salary. It is entirely up to the individual whether they wish to utilise the new and expanded options.
While the vast majority of the financial framework in all three areas is thus prioritised for salary and pension increases, the collective agreement renewal also contains other elements. Amongst others, these can be highlighted:
The vote is open from 20 March and closes 5 April at 8 a.m. If you are qualified to vote, you have received an email with a link to the online voting form. If you didn't get an email, please write ok24@ida.dk for assistance.
If you are in doubt how your terms are affected or have questions about OK24, you are welcome to contact IDA's legal advisers.