A sickness absence interview (Sygefraværssamtale) should strengthen the dialogue between employer and employee. The conversation should therefore focus on when and how you can return to work.
You can bring an accompanying person, such as your union representative, to the interview. If you are unable to attend in person due to illness or practical reasons, the dialogue can be held by phone.
You must be given reasonable notice of the interview. There are no formal requirements to how you can be called in for the interview, and you can be called in by phone or in writing.
Your employer is obliged to hold the sickness absence interview with you no later than 4 weeks after your first day of illness. This obligation does not apply if you are in a dismissed position and your employment ends within 8 weeks of the first day of illness.
Sick note
After your first day of absence, your employer may require a medical statement of incapacity for work from your doctor. This is called a sick note or friattest.
Your employer can request a fit for work certificate (mulighedserklæring) at any time. The purpose is to determine your work ability during your illness. The fit for work certificate is comprised of two sections:
You can find a form and instructions at the Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment.
Your employer may ask you for a self-certification form (Tro- og love-erklæring). In it, you inform your employer in writing that you are sick and that it is in good faith.
If you are employed under the Salaried Employees Act, your employer may ask you for a statement on the expected duration of the sick leave after 14 days.
As a member of IDA you can get advice on your rights in connection with sickness. IDA is on hand to counsel you on among other things sickness benefits, daily aids, rehabilitation, flexijob, and early retirement. Additionally, we can participate in dialogues on sickness with the workplace and social services.