One in two employees who have used AI assistants like ChatGPT in the workplace have not been given clear guidelines for their use. Deeply problematic, says IDA.
Every year, Agnes and Betzy awards DKK 25,000 to an IDA member. The award dates from 1997, in honour and on the 100th anniversary of the first two female engineers, Agnes Nielsen and Betzy Meyer.
Every year, Agnes and Betzy awards DKK 25,000 to an IDA member. The award dates from 1997, in honour and on the 100th anniversary of the first two female engineers, Agnes Nielsen and Betzy Meyer.
You can nominee a member of IDA for commendable work in at least one of the following areas:
You can nominate someone for making a difference through big or small actions. The nominee can be of any gender and must be a member of IDA.
The Agnes and Betzy Award comes with a DKK 25,000 (EUR 3,300) travel grant.
IDA presents the Agnes and Betzy Award annually. The award goes to a person who helps promote gender equality, highlights the work of women in the engineering profession, or to a woman who has accomplished noteworthy results in or for the engineering profession.