IDA’s members in the state, municipalities and regions have now voted, and the result is a clear and resounding yes to the new collective agreements in the public sector. In total 94.3 per cent voted yes and 5.7 no. The overall voting turnout was 45.8 per cent of eligible voters.
Malene Matthison-Hansen, political head of the negotiations and chairperson of the Council of Employees in IDA, is happy about the result.
“I am very pleased with the support for the agreements we have negotiated in place with the public employers. Salary was our main demand and the top priority for IDA's members at OK24. That's why we're pleased with the result we've achieved in the state, municipal and regional areas. All IDA members employed in the public sector will get a real salary increase. In addition, it is positive that the general salary increases are implemented at the beginning of the collective agreement period."
Malene Matthison-Hansen also points to the section of the agreement about increasing flexibility for members employed in the public sector.
It is now both possible to postpone holidays and days off for later use, for instance to use them to take individual days or longer periods off from work. The new agreement also introduces an opportunity to save up one’s pension contribution in a special account to be used for career breaks or a change of tracks.
We’ve really taken a big step forward in terms of flexibility. These changes are significant breakthroughs, and I am glad we achieved them. Flexibility is becoming increasingly relevant in the job market, and if the public sector is to continue to attract the necessary competencies in STEM, we need to put flexible solutions on the table. In a time where we lack qualified talent, there’s no way around it,” she says.
IDA has over 17,000 members employed in the state, regions, or municipalities.
7,863 votes were cast in the referendum. This is how the votes were cast:
Yes: 94.3 per cent (7,417 votes)
No: 5.7 per cent (446 votes)