
IDA Technology Assessment

We are a social and interdisciplinary network that is passionate about technological development and the influence it has on the individual and society.

About IDA Technology Assessment

IDA Technology Assessment is an interdisciplinary network. We disseminate knowledge about the influence of technological development on the individual and on society and contribute to debates about the use of technology.

Our activities range widely from specialised subjects to larger political agendas. We hold meetings and conferences on ethical, social, economic and political aspects of technological development and arrange excursions to places with technology in focus.

We are happy to collaborate with other organisations, educational institutions and political bodies to put the topics on the agenda. In this way, we keep our 1,330 (as of 28.02.24) members up-to-date on our common subject area.

Why you should join IDA Technology Assessment

  • You can help make your mark on the debate about technological development
  • Participate in our activities and network with the other members
  • You will receive our newsletter with articles and upcoming events

If you want to hear more, contact network coordinator Mette Holck at 


  • IDA member: Free
  • Company membership: DKK 600 per year
  • Not an IDA member: DKK 500 per year
  • Students, not IDA members: DKK 200 per year

Join network

All IDA members can join the different networks for free.

Join IDA Technology Assessment