Together with the Association of Danish Lawyers and Economists, DJØF, and a group of management experts, IDA has prepared a series of themes with tips and tools to help you deal with new hybrid forms of collaboration as well as possible as a manager.
This is the second theme and it is about flexible work life and the dilemmas that you and your team may face when working together within the new hybrid framework that has become increasingly common after the Covid-19 pandemic.
This page includes:
Many managers have lost touch with their employees after the onset of working from home. This can create conflict, but with the right framework, we can reap all the benefits of a new, flexible work life, says business psychologist Katrine Bastian.
When you engage in dialogue on how to ensure collaboration whilst maintaining flexibility, you can use the following approach, but you can also select the tools that make most sense in your situation:
Dialogue Tool: Needs, expectations, requirements and agreements in flexible and hybrid work
Dialogue Tool: Take stock of working methods and collaboration in hybrid work