A warning is a notice from your employer that a specific behaviour is not acceptable. A warning should always be as specific as possible so you know how to act on it. If you do not agree with the content of the warning, you must contact IDA.
You can receive a warning at work if your employer wants to make you aware that your work performance or behaviour is not satisfactory. If you do not heed the warning, there may be consequences, and you may ultimately be dismissed.
A warning can be both oral and written, but if your employer later wants to use it as a reason for termination, you must receive it in writing.
If you disagree with the warning, you should always contact IDA for advice.
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In Denmark, we distinguish between a reprimand (påtale) and a warning (advarsel). A reprimand is a rebuke from your employer. You can get it either verbally or in writing, but it has no employment law consequences.
A warning is more serious, as it can, for example, lead to a termination or expulsion from your workplace.
As a rule, it should be clear from the document you receive from your employer whether it is a reprimand or a warning. If you are in doubt, you can always contact IDA.
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A warning must accurately describe the behaviour that your employer expects you to improve. In addition, it must describe the consequences if you do not comply with the warning, for example that you will be dismissed or expulsed.
You can get a warning for many things, but warnings are often given because an employer has noticed:
If the warning only consists of a vague wording that your efforts or behaviour is unsatisfactory, it will weaken the meaning of the warning in connection with a later dismissal, because you have no way of knowing what is expected of you.
A warning must therefore be specific, so that you have the opportunity to change your behaviour. A warning should therefore contain:
If you agree with the content of the warning, you must of course try to comply with it.
You can continuously note when you follow the instructions in the warning and be proactive yourself and talk to your manager about whether you are following the instructions satisfactorily.
If, on the other hand, you disagree with the warning, you must contact your trade union representative or IDA for advice on how to handle the situation.
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If you are a public sector employee, you have the right to be consulted if you receive a warning. This means that you must be given the opportunity to express yourself in writing about the content of the warning. You are encouraged to contact IDA before writing a consultation response.
Your warning must be placed in your personnel file, and if you, as a public employee, have made a written statement in relation to the warning, your comments must be placed in your personnel file.