In cooperation with Adapto, IDA wants to explore how technical and virtual tools can support our members working in management and leadership, managing small and large teams. 50 members will get the chance to join a 6 month-pilot-project, testing the application ‘’ for an unprecedented low price. Adapto helps leaders in their everyday management tasks, coupled with a virtual coach that gives you sparring on your leadership and development of your teams and your organisation. Besides access to the app, participants will be invited to virtual onboarding sessions to get off on the right foot using the app.
After the 6 months of using the product, you will be asked to evaluate how you have benefitted from using it. If you want to continue using the product after the pilot period, you will receive a favourable discount. To be considered as a participant in the project you must have direct reports, but it is not important how large your team is or how long you have been managing people. On the contrary, we wish to get a broad representation in the project, with newly appointed and experienced leaders from small and large teams, and from Danish and international companies alike.
The deadline for applying for participating in the project is 30 August 2020, but we will be evaluating the applications continuously aiming to start the project on 15. September 2020, so please don’t hesitate but send your application today. If you are selected for joining the project, you will receive an invoice for DKK 750.00, and you will get access to Adapto 15 September 2020 to 15 March 2021. Invitations for the onboarding webinars will follow in the first week of September.
The project is sponsored by IDA Management Forum, the boards organising private and publicly employed members of IDA and Adapto.
If you have any questions, please contact Henrik Lilholt from IDA at or Chris Noesgaard from Adapto at