Women in Cybersecurity at IDA in Aarhus

Women in Cybersecurity at IDA in Aarhus
IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Are you a woman interested in security? Join an evening of network, inspiration and meet cool role models, who are working with security!
Join our Community Event on Tuesday October 24th in Aarhus 

This event is built on the belief that by coming together, we can create a supportive environment where women can thrive, learn, and inspire one another. Curious to read more about our network? Read here. 

We look forward to gathering a group of women interested in and curious about cybersecurity. The event is for all with an interest in the field - so whether you are a student, recent graduate, or have work experience - you are very welcome! Event encourages diversity and is open to participants of of all genders, both IDA members and participants outside of IDA. 

IDA DataCompliance, IDA IT and Women in Cybersecurity are setting the stage for a cozy afternoon and evening, with the goal of inspiring you for your journey into the cybersecurity industry, whether you are interested in the technical aspects, in Governance, Risk, and Compliance or something third.  


17.00-17.15: Check in and registration  

17.15-17.30: Welcome  

17.30-18.00: Speaker 1: Katrine Bødker Verdoes,Director, Cyber Strategy Enablement & Performance at Vestas Speaker 2: Stine Juhl-Hansen, IT Auditor at Danfoss     

18.30-19.30: Sandwiches and Network  


We put female role models from the industry at the forefront, give them the floor, and let them share their experiences of working in cybersecurity. At this event you will meet:  

  • Katrine Bødker Verdoes, who will bring perspectives on how to ensure cyber security strategies can be anchored and included on equal terms with other business strategies. By doing so, cyber security will be a shared responsibility throughout the organization - and not just something some people do while wearing hoodies. Based on her own experience, Katrine will share how Vestas has brought cyber security into the boardroom as an important topic and why the cyber security strategy depends on inclusive leadership, diversity, and the organization's culture.
  • Stine Juhl-Hansen, My take on being a woman in a male-dominated work environment. My experience is that is possible to install IT hardware while wearing stilettos. Or to team up curls and makeup with safety shoes and cargo pants. Being included as ‘one of the boys’ is not about necessarily about gender, but about sharing other common denominators such as passion for IT, taking pride in doing a good job and facing the world with empathy and humor. I will take you through my not so straight path to become an IT auditor and how working for Danfoss was the right choice for me. Maybe at the end you will be inspired to become an IT auditor too.  

The event is free, but we have a limited number of seats, so reserve your spot here. We will serve sandwiches and set the stage for some cozy, inspiring, and informal hours. When you apply to attend this event, your information will be registred in IDA system and shared with Women in Cybersecurity. 

See you! 


IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • When

    24. okt. 2023 17:00 - 19:30
  • Where

    IDA-huset Aarhus, Mariane Thomsens Gade 2F, 3. sal, 8000 Aarhus C

  • Registration Deadline

    23. okt. 2023 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    IDA DataCompliance

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
