The Power of Public Food Procurement

The Power of Public Food Procurement
IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Gain insights into results and experiences with sustainable meals from various EU perspectives and take a tour of Copenhagen's culinary schools. Day 1 will create an inspiring framework for dialogue and reflections leading up to the Conference on Day 2.
The transformative potential of school meals for children aged 1-16  

The Municipality of Copenhagen, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), Roskilde University (RUC), IDA Urban Food Systems and Food & Biocluster Denmark (FBCD) cordially invite you to The Power of Public Food Procurement for school meals in the heart of Copenhagen.
The conference takes place within the Cities Feeding the Future Initiative led by the MUFPP, and in partnership with the Food Trails project, a Horizon 2020 EU funded project led by the City of Milan.

From June 17th to 18th, 2024 you can experience a significant event focused on the evolving role of cities in food system transformation. The conference offers a unique platform for meeting fellow participants engaged in food governance, policymaking, innovation, sustainable procurement, and supply chains.

17th June 2024 at IDA Conference, Kalvebod Brygge 31 - 33, Copenhagen.
Program for Day 1 

09.00 - 09.30 Registration & Light breakfast

09.30 - 09.45 Welcome and opening remarks 
Betina Bergmann Madsen, Senior Consultant Children and Youth Administration, Municipality of Copenhagen 
Filippo Gavazzeni, Head of the MUFPP Secretariat, Municipality of Milan 
Niels Heine Kristensen, Professor, PhD, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University 

09.45 – 10.10 Urban Food Policies – the great food transition
Tim Lang, Emeritus Professor of Food Policy, City University London 
10.10 - 10.30 The largest European study on school meals policies, economic and social impacts in European countries  
Andrea Magarini, Director of the Food Policy Department, Municipality of Milan 

10.30 - 10.50 Shift towards more plant-based diets, food system transition action plans
Ida Auken, Member of the Danish Parliament, The Social Democratic Party 

10.50 - 11.20 Panel discussions 
Moderated by Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi, Director of the Food System Economics Commission, EAT Foundation 

11.20 - 11.35 Coffee break  

11.35 - 13.00 Talk - Food Trails pilot actions towards changing child’s food habits in a broader implementation of local food policies 
Moderated by, Chiara Roticiani, Project Officer, Eurocities 

Mette Svendgaard Høgholm, Municipality of Copenhagen  

Elisa Porreca, Municipality of Milan 

Nadia Tonoli, Municipality of Bergamo 

Hiltje van der Wal, Municipality of Groningen

Natalia Boitot, Municipality of Warsaw 
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch with taste boots from Grønt marked x Krogerup Højskole 

14.00 - 15.20 Parallel breakout sessions 
Facilitated by EAT Foundation and Roskilde University 

- Political commitment – how to reach decision makers agenda  

- Sustainable food procurement – reversed food chain practices  

- Citizen engagement - how to organize participatory processes  

- Competence building - which skills and competences is in demand  

- Circular economy – how to reduce food waste in public food procurement  

15.20 - 15.40 Coffee break  
15.40 - 16.30 Key findings and outcome of Day 1 
Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi, Director of the Food System Economics Commission, EAT Foundation 

16.30 - 19.00 Field visit to one of Copenhagen's Food schools & Dinner  


18th June at Copenhagen City Hall, Rådhuspladsen 1, 1555 Copenhagen.
Program for Day 2

09.00 - 09.30 Registration & Light breakfast

09.30 - 09.35 Introduction to Day 2
Filippo Gavazzeni, Head of MUFPP Secratariat, Minicipality of Milan

09.35 - 09.45 Opening remarks from hosting mayors
Jakob Næsager, Mayor of Children and Youth of Copenhagen
Anna Scavuzzo, Vice Mayor of Milan in charge of Food Policy

09.45 - 10.45 Political round table - How do cities deal with public food procurement for children's meals?
Audrey Pulvar, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of sustainable food, argiculture and short supply chains
Jakob Næsager, Mayor of Choldren and Youth of Copenhagen
Anna Scavuzzo, Vice Mayor of Milan in charge of Food Policy
10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 - 11.45
Multilevel governance for food systems: the role of procurement practices for accelerating progress on sustainability goal

- Carmen Burbano, Director of School Meals and Social Protection Service, World Food Programme
- Florence Tartanac, Senior Officer in the Food and Nutrition Division, FAO
- Wim Debeuckelaere, Policy Officer in the Farm to Fork Strategy Unit, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
- Simon Rask, Section Manager, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
- Betina Bergmann Madsen, Senior Consultant Children and Youth Administration, Municipality of Copenhagen

11.45 - 12.30 How are cities implementing food procurement strategies in different European countries?

- Maria Tarafa Orpinell,
City of Barcelona 
- Auli Väänänen, City of Helsinki 
- Elisa Porreca, City of Milan 
- Paula Rodrigues, City of Torres Vedras

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch from AT School food

1330 -  15:30 Interactive workshops
Procurement criteria - Levers of change for improving procurement criteria at policy level
- Betina Bergmann Madsen, Senior Consultant Children and Youth Administration, Municipality of Copenhagen
Mette Svendgaard Høgholm, Food Trails Officer and Project Manager in the Food category, Municipality of Copenhagen

Behavioral science - Nudging towards more sustainable food choices and children’s well-being
Shaleen Meelu, Public Health Nutrition Specialist
Astrid Dahl, Chief consultant, Municipality of Copenhagen

Innovation - Accelerating innovations for monitoring the impact of sustainable procurement practices
- Jenny Arthur, Head of Cool Food Membership Development, World Resource Institute (WRI)
- Francisca Feiteira, Urban Food Policies, Slow Food

Food education - Strengthening linkages between school meals and children’s food education
- Annelies Smets, Project coordinator School Food 4 Change, Rikolto
- Leen Tyrions, Healthy Wave project (Erasmus+), Rikolto
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break & network

16.00 - 16.30 Key finding and outcome of Day 2
Facilitators from the workshops
- Betina Bergmann Madsen, Senior Consultant Children and Youth Administration, Municipality of Copenhagen
- Andrea Magarini, Director of the Food Policy Department, Municipality of Milan

16.30 - 16.45 Closing remarks
Jakob Næsager, Mayor of Children and Youth of Copenhagen

16.45 Reception & network

The event is supported by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.

The pivotal role of cities in shaping sustainable food systems will be explored, along with the impact that every meal served has on the well-being, education, and future of our children.
As Copenhagen leads the charge in public procurement for school meals, the city will share insights, spark dialogue, and pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable future.

From delving into the complex network of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to exploring how cities navigate governmental regulations, the conference will uncover the methods and strategies for crafting healthier, more sustainable meals for everyone. Via a series of technical workshops, extensive research of food policy studies, debates and field visits, the conference will take a deep dive into the world of sustainable meals programmes, unveiling how this service serves as a catalyst for change. From nourishing young minds with nutritious meals to fostering a culture of sustainability and community, discover how school meals are reshaping the future of food, one bite at a time.
The event isn't just about inspiring change—it's about empowering action. Politicians, food policy makers and officers will gain invaluable skills and tools to drive meaningful progress in their communities, build bridges, foster collaboration, and amplify the impact on a global scale.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to feast your senses on the possibilities of a brighter, more sustainable future. Together, let's redefine the way we think about food, one delicious meal at a time. See you at the conference!

Please note that you register directly to Milano. IDA will make the participantlist and you will therefore be registered at IDA after the event.


Photo/Video Recording
Photos will be taken during the day. The photos will primarily be used for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to appear in the photos, please make sure to position yourself outside the camera's view and/or inform the photographer.

Important information regarding personal data on participant lists: Your name, title and company name will appear on the participant list for this event if you have previously given consent or have given consent in connection with registration to this event. The participant list is available to the organizer s and the other participants at the event itself in the form of an online participant list.

At  this event, a name tag is also given out, where your name, title and company name appear. If you unsubscribe from the event, your information will no longer appear on the participant list.

You can read more about consent here,


IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • When

    From: 17. jun. 2024 - 09:00 To: 18. jun. 2024 - 17:00
  • Where

    IDA Conference & Copenhagen City Hall, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33/ Raadhuspladsen 1, København V

  • Registration Deadline

    12. jun. 2024 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Urban Food Systems /Selskabet for fødevaresystemer

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
