The great green ambition of Google: Carbon Neutral by 2030

The great green ambition of Google: Carbon Neutral by 2030
Did Google aim too high or is it possible to run a data center without the use of fossil fuels at all?

With the 24/7 program, Google aims to be carbon-neutral year-round, all hours of the day. 
Vice President of Engineering - Data Center, Advanced Technology and Innovation at Google, JP Clausen, will explain how Google uses alternative energy sources such as hydrogen and battery technology as well as the latest tech in AI and Machine Learning to reach the ambition of their 24/7 program.
Information and programs you used to have on your own computer, now resides "on the cloud": Cloud Computing. Even though data is not physical, data requires data centers, and the constant increase in data traffic and the enormous hyperscale data centers result in a massive consumption of power, which influences the Danish power consumption as a whole and the Danish climate impact.
Sustainability is and will be a focal point for business, and Google's ambition to make data centers 100% fossil free across the globe will be realized through technology, we have not yet developed.
About JP Clausen
Jens Peter (JP) Clausen is a VP at Google and responsible for the department of Advanced Technology Innovation for Google's data centers.
JP has formerly been VP at Tesla, and Senior VP at LEGO

Read more about Google's datacenters

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  • When

    6. okt. 2021 13:45 - 14:30
  • Where

    Messecenter Herning (MCH), Vardevej 1, 7400 Herning

  • Registration Deadline

    6. okt. 2021 - 12:30

  • Organizer

    IT Gruppen, IDA Østjylland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
