The Digital Divide. Attention, Algorithms and Social Justice Symposium

The Digital Divide. Attention, Algorithms and Social Justice Symposium
What are the ethical, social, political and environmental implications of our pervasive use of algorithms? What are the entanglements between the production of algorithms and social (in)justice?
As screen-based, networked digital technologies are seemingly a precondition for participation in contemporary everyday life, algorithms have become highly agentic semi-presences that massage our psyches, subjectivities and social systems.  

This symposium pushes algorithms into plain sight and considers their production and use as political acts, raising questions about claims to infrastructural neutrality, and highlighting programmed bias and resulting social injustice. Through analyses and artistic dramatizations of algorithmic logic, the symposium asks how we can take back attention, and be attentive differently: How do we protect and develop our capacity to imagine a future and work towards it, by creating spaces for thinking and doing – to act not react? How can artists and artistic thinking contribute? How to de-center algorithms? 

10.30-11.00: Registration 
11.00-11.10: Welcome by Art Hub Copenhagen 
11.10-12.10 Session: We Click Alone. Participants: Anna Lena Schiller, Gro Sarauw. Respondent: Lotte Løvholm 
12.10-12.30: Artistic intervention: I´M NOT A FUTURIST. Participant: biarritzzz 
12.30-13.30: Lunch (sandwiches) 
13.30-14.20: Session: Breaking Open the Black Box. Participants: Kristian Husted & Kristian Byskov from The Algorithmic Theatre. Respondents: The audience.
14.20-14.40: Artistic intervention: Apathy Engine. Participant: CUSS Group (Represented by Ravi Govender)
14.40-15.40: Session: CyberPower and CounterPower. Participants: Dr. Ramon Amaro & Katrine K. Pedersen Respondent: Stefanie Hessler 
15.40-16.00: Cake and coffee/tea break 
16.00-16.05: Introduction to the keynote by Lars Bang Larsen 
16.05-17.05: Keynote: Dr. Safiya Noble Respondent: Katrine K. Pedersen
17.05-17.15: Closing remarks Participants: Stefanie Hessler, Lars Bang Larsen

The Digital Divide. Attention, Algorithms and Social Justice is a symposium developed by Art Hub Copenhagen in partnership with IDA and TOASTER in the context of the 2-year Attention, Algorithms and Social Justice project funded by the Creative Europe/European Union. The project is focusing on innovation in the field of art by supporting artists and art institutions across Europe to research and develop new artworks exploring the relationships between attention, algorithms, and social justice. 

Partners: Kunsthall Trondheim, Art Hub Copenhagen, Tropical Papers and State of Concept  
Associated partners: Université de Paris, Princeton University and Swiss Institute 

Sign up: 
Anyone can join, but you must have an IDA user profile in order to participate. It's free and non-binding - create a user profile here;

The symposium will also be live streamed, you can sign up for the online event here: The Digital Divide. Attention, Algorithms and Social Justice Symposium - Online | IDA

  • When

    4. maj. 2023 11:00 - 17:15
  • Where

    IDA Conference., Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1530 København V

  • Registration Deadline

    3. maj. 2023 - 15:00

  • Organizer

    IDA Design og Innovation

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
