The Calzone Saga Continues - Crazy Christmas Cabaret 2022

The Calzone Saga Continues - Crazy Christmas Cabaret 2022
Forget your winter blues, and come to sun-soaked Miami Beach for the NEXT CHAPTER of our riotous Eighties gangster romp. The Calzone family is again in crisis!

Forget your winter blues, and come to sun-soaked Miami Beach for the NEXT CHAPTER of our riotous Eighties gangster romp.
The Calzone family is again in crisis! Don Calzone has retired from the family business, but his successor is an unexpected and unpopular choice.
All hell breaks loose when a drug lord known as The Cuban, a family advisor known as The Danishman, and a millionaire businessman called Donald Dump, fight to influence the new Don Calzone.
Find out who makes it to the end of this new eighties riotous gangster romp, created by Vivienne McKee with her signature cocktail of classic Crazy Christmas (now for its 39th time!) with a triple shot of Coppola, Tarantino and Scorsese, shaken and not stirred, with a slice of pure British silliness.
This is “No Time to Die “ - but time to die laughing !
Enjoy this year’s best Tivoli roller-coaster ride, riddled with bullets, toe-tapping tunes, jokes, slapstick, satire, and best of all - oodles of audience participation !!  

Spilles på engelsk, men har gennem årene vist sig at være lettilgængelig for hverdagsdanskere!

Inden forestillingen starter vi i A Hereford Beefstouw – Tivoli lige udenfor Tivoli kl 17:30 lidt tidligt men så har vi 2 timer til socialt samvær) med at indtage deres 275g krogmodnet filet ”12A” og diverse grønsagssides dertil 1 genstand øl/glas vin/vand. Drikkevarer udover første drik (et glas rød- eller hvidvin, juleøl eller vand) er for egen regning.

Forestillingen går i gang kl. 19:30. Pladserne er denne fredag i år 33 stk. fra række 11-14 midtfor :-) Fås ikke meget bedre!

Billetter udsendes per mail før møde, så folk forinden kan snige sig ind i Tivoli og se haven.
Husk at få et udgangsstempel ovre ved Nimb udgangen, så I kan komme ind igen.

 Ida Kulturforum v/ Henrik Nielsen mobil 40504154

Vi beder dig tage hensyn til, at andre deltagere kan være mere udsatte end dig eller have en anden opfattelse af smitterisiko.  

  • When

    25. nov. 2022 17:30 - 23:00
  • Where

    Glassalen i Tivoli., Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København V

  • Registration Deadline

    2. okt. 2022 - 12:00

  • Organizer

    KulturForum, IDA København

  • Event Number
