Tomlinson was recently inducted into FORBES 30 under 30 an TIME 100 next, spotlighted by VARIETY for their “10 Comics To Watch” and Comedy Impact Report”. In addition to being named one of the “100 most powerful women in Hollywood” by the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.
The Critically acclaimed comedian is coming off headlining the seventh highest grossing comedy tour of 2023, most notably the only woman to break into the Top 10. She has released 3 hour long specials for NETFLIX: QUARTER-LIFE CRISIS (2020), LOOK AT YOU (2022) and HAVE IT ALL (2024), the latter having debuted at No.1. Tomlinson is notably the only female late night host on network television and the youngest by 2 decades following the outrageously funny debut of AFTER MIDNIGHT on CBS, currently airing weekdays at 12:37am ER/PT.
“Taylor Tomlinson demonstrates tight joke writing, carefully honed act-outs and a ruthless appetite for laughs” – The New York Times
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Hun er på Forbes 30 under 30 liste, udnævnt som en af de ”100 mest magtfulde kvinder i Hollywood” af The Hollywood Reporter” og har i en ung alder opnået massiv popularitet hos fans og kritikere – Taylor Tomlinson har ifølge Rolling Stones ”erobret comedyverdenen”.
Det har hun blandt andet bevist med sine tre Netflix Specials, hvoraf den seneste Have It All, der landede på platformen sidste år, debuterede som nummer 1.Tomlinson er derudover også den eneste kvindelige late-night-vært på netværks-tv, når hun styrer slagets gang på det hylende morsomme After Midnight på CBS.
“Even when she’s navigating painful waters, she can’t help but find the humor… her wit and pinpoint delivery reveal both an incisive writer and also a talented actor.” – Los Angeles Times
I 2023 blev Taylor Tamlinsons To Have it All Tour den syvendestørste indtjenende comedy-turné, og hun var den eneste kvinde i Top-10 det år. Siden oktober sidste år har hun turneret i sit amerikanske hjemland, og til sommer peger hun endelig fødderne mod Danmark for første gang og parkerer Save Me Tour-bussen ved Falkoner Salen til juni.
Billetter sendes til deltagere ca. en uge før. (se spammappen).
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