TakeAways: How to Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High

TakeAways: How to Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High
Leadership coaching legend Carol Kauffman explores how the best leaders master the moments that matters the most – she teaches today’s leaders how they turn their toughest challenges into triumphs by using her MOVE-framework.

With her innovative new “MOVE” framework, she empowers leaders to slow down to own high-stakes moments, generate options, end expertly evaluate them before acting.

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The hardest part of leadership is mastering the response to inevitable high-risk, high-stakes challenges leaders will face in the role. Whether they’re making a split-second decision or finding the best strategy to navigate a crisis, how can they bring their best to each pivotal moment?
In the book REAL-TIME LEADERSHIP, which this TakeAway is based on, David Noble and Carol Kauffmann explore how the best leaders master the moments that matter the most, leveraging decades of global C-level executive coaching. It starts with overcoming one’s leadership reflexes and reactions to find the optimal response to any situation, which leaders will learn to do here.
In this keynote you will learn about Carol Kauffman’s “MOVE”-framework, which helps leaders to recognize key moments as they approach, like a conductor who anticipates what’s needed to deliver a great performance. Its key elements include:

M: Be Mindfully Alert
O: Generative Options
V: Validate Your Vantage Point
E: Engage and Effect Change

If you want to know more about this framework and want to learn how you can find your winning moves when the stakes are high by turning your toughest challenges into triumphs, then this TakeAway is your way to go.

About the Keynote Speaker
Carol Kauffman is known internationally as a leader in the field of coaching. Marshall Goldsmith named her the number one leadership coach. Thinkers50 ranked her among the top eight coaches in the world. Carol Kauffman is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, a visiting professor at Henley Business School (University of Reading, UK), and serves as a senior leadership adviser at Egon Zehnder.

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  • When

    30. okt. 2023 08:30 - 10:30
  • Where


  • Registration Deadline

    29. okt. 2023 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Lederforum

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
