CANCELLED - Reducing cattle emmisson with macroalgae feed

CANCELLED - Reducing cattle emmisson with macroalgae feed
How can seaweed help combat emission from cattles? Join us as Damien Jelstrup Balkin, founder and CEO of Maripure, reveals the science behind using red seaweed supplements in cattle feed to help reduce the methane emission from cattle farms .

In today's climate with heightened focus on greener environment, food and agriculture's role on our national and international emissions is in focus. Today, methane emissions from cows are the single largest contributer to agriculture's carbon footprint. Dairy and beef produceres must face the challenge of tackling cattle emissions, while still providing affordable and high quality food. This demands innovaitive solutions, of which one such approach is a red seaweed extract as an supplement in the cattle feed, to block cow methane emissions.  

Join us for an insightful presentation by Damien Jelstrup Balkin, founder and CEO of Maripure, a biosolutions startup that researches and undertakes land-based cultivation and bioprocessing of seaweed for cattle feed.

In his presentation we will hear about: 

- The firm Maripure and how they are anchored around science, engineering of biology, chemistry and biotechnology

- Founding research behind the product and future prospects of the firm

- How market and research collaboration provides the pathways to both sustainable production and and rapid market action.

If you are curious, here are some information about Maripure
and what they do: Battling Climate Change with Seaweed - Invest In Aalborg   


17:30-18:30 Damien Jelstrup Balkin presentation of Maripure 

18:30-20:00 Sandwiches, soda and networking 



The Chemical and biotechnical group at IDA North is
hosting with a sandwich and beverage after the lecture, providing an
opportunity to discuss more about the exciting topics presented for us.

  • When

    12. sep. 2024 17:30 - 20:00
  • Where

    IDA-huset Aalborg, Vestre Havnepromenade 9, 3. sal, 9000 Aalborg

  • Registration Deadline

    30. aug. 2024 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Kemi og Bioteknik, IDA Nord

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
