Movie: "MI:6 Mission Impossible - Fallout". With tasty sandwich and beverage.

Movie: "MI:6 Mission Impossible - Fallout". With tasty sandwich and beverage.
Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt in yet another impossible assignment.

English introduction at the bottom

Når en IMF-mission slutter dårligt, står verden over for alvorlige konsekvenser. Ethan Hunt påtager sig at opfylde den oprindelige mission, og CIA sætter spørgsmålstegn ved hans loyalitet og motiver. Hunt befinder sig i en kamp mod tiden, jaget af snigmordere og tidligere allierede, mens de forsøger at forhindre en global katastrofe.

Der serveres 2 halve sandwich ved ankomst og udleveres 2 kuponer til en øl/vand/glas vin. Fri kaffe og the

Filmen startes når vi er færdige med at spise. Ca. kl. 18:45.

Sluttid er omtrentlig.



When an IMF mission ends poorly, the world faces serious consequences. Ethan Hunt undertakes to fulfill the original mission, and the CIA questions his loyalty and motivation. Hunt is in a battle against time, chased by assasins and former allies while trying to prevent a global disaster.

2 half sandwiches are served on arrival. 2 vouchers covering beer / water / glass of wine are included. free Coffee and The

The movie starts when we finish eating. Approximately 18:45

End time is approximate.



  • When

    30. aug. 2018 18:00 - 21:30
  • Where

    Solrød Bio, Tjørnholmvej 10, 2680 Solrød Strand

  • Registration Deadline

    28. aug. 2018 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Roskilde-Køge Afdeling, IDA Sjælland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
