Pizza tasting

Pizza tasting
Bring yourself and your friends to this awesome culinary experience. Here, four of the best pizza places near Lyngby Campus are battling each other in a gastronomic battle for the best pizza in town.

In this pizza tastning event you’ll get the chance to taste og compare pizzas from the following four heavyweights within the category of hangover nourishment:

La Sosta, La Vida, Canaria og Lyngby Pizza

These are the big guns!

From each pizza place there will be ordered four different pizzas:

Potato/bacon, pepperoni with dressing, kebabpizza and vegetarian pizza.

Every contestant gets an equal amount of pizza but from each pizza place. This way the contestant can compare the taste experience.

During the taste test the pizzas will be rated on a scale from 1-5 and in the end the final result will see which of the places are worthy of being pizzapresident of 2023.

If you have questions regarding this event, you are welcome to contact team coordinator Emilie Kristensen at If you have problems with registration, contact member services at

  • When

    20. apr. 2023 17:30 - 18:30
  • Where

    Læsesalen - DTU Lyngby, Anker Engelunds Vej 101 Læsesalen bag S-Huset, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

  • Registration Deadline

    13. apr. 2023 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Kurser for studerende

  • Event Number
