Online - Battery Technology. How Does a Car Battery Work and What Are the Key Concepts?

Online - Battery Technology. How Does a Car Battery Work and What Are the Key Concepts?
IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Do you want to learn about the central concepts in a Lithium Ion battery that is the battery type used in EV? Then sign up for this session. You will also hear about a way of recycling batteries from EV. The session will be held in English.

2024 was again a record year for the sales of EV (electrical vehicle) in Denmark and EV sales has now overtaken sales of ICE ( Internal Combustion Engine) cars. 

The technology is still developing rapidly, but the core concepts are more or less the same and on this event, you will learn about them. As a consequence of the still increasing sales, we also face an issue about recycling of batteries. 

This area is still at its beginning, but will need to be developed due to both environment, geopolitics and economic reasons. 

We are not going to solve the recycling of batteries at this event, but you will hear about a case regarding second life usage of EV batteries.  


17:30 - 18:30

  •  Maciej Świerczyński, Senior Researcher at XOLTA, will talk about batteries in general: 
    • How does a Lithium Ion battery work and the different variants. 
    • Key concepts such as SOC, SOH, 
    • What is BMS and what is it used for 

18:30 - 19:00

  • Sandwich and Networking 

19:00 - 20:00

  • Thomas Meier Sørensen, CTO at 4-Leaf-consulting, will talk about several other relevant topics in relation to battery systems and second life usages.
    • What is a BESS 
    • extended lifetime. 
    • Recyceling of second life batteries 
    • Gridforming vs grid-following inverter. 
    • Grid connections (tf 3.3.1) 
    • Ancillary services 
    • DSO and TSO approvals 
    • Thermal management & fire safety  


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IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

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  • When

    3. mar. 2025 17:30 - 20:00
  • Where


  • Registration Deadline

    2. mar. 2025 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Automotive

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number


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