The Danish government has adopted an expansion of the Danish wind capacity with 4 GW by end of this decade. This is 4 times the existing capacity. In terms of regulatory approval, what is needed to proceed into this venture?
Offshore wind farms are large construction projects with many stakeholders including regulators, users, designers and marine life. This raises questions such as:
How is navigational safety ensured?
What will future traffic patterns look like considering large offshore installations?
How is marine life affected/secured?
Programme: 17:00 – 17:15 Opening by organizers
By Frederik Sivholm Sommer, OMT
17:15 – 18:00 Planning considerations for energy infrastructure offshore,
By John Adams, Senior Project Manager, Energinet
The Danish Transmission Service Operator (TSO), Energinet, is tasked with securing strategic environmental assessments of areas designated for offshore wind and the gathering of environmental baseline data for OFW developers. The presentation will focus on routing considerations when planning for export cables and the competing interests with other marine users. The ambitious plans for development of offshore wind to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will be presented and whether the maritime spatial plan can support in the attainment of these goals.
18:00 - 18:30 Refreshments
18:30 - 19:10 Safety - Shipping corridors and safety procedures
by Peter Dam, Nautisk konsulent, Sikre farvand - online
The DMA will during the presentation have a focus on the process of designating shipping corridors in Maritime Spatial Planning as the first step towards safety of navigation within areas designated for offshore wind farms. Through the maritime spatial planning process, we allocate the most important shipping corridors used today, so that shipping can continue to sail in the safest and most direct route through Danish waters. The DMA will also go through the normal safety procedure for a Formal Safety Assessment and other safety related issues in connection to offshore wind farms.
19:10 - 19:45 Navigational safety and risk assessment
by Toke Koldborg Jensen, Senior Chief Project Manager, Risk, Safety and Project Planning, Ramboll
Ramboll has carried out several ship traffic analyses and risk assessments for offshore construction projects, and the presentation will focus on risk assessments for offshore wind farms. The presentation will touch upon aspects such as HAZID workshops, analysis of ship traffic data, ship traffic and collision modelling, and safety distances. Effects such as changes to ship traffic patterns will be described and related to the change in risk imposed by a wind farm as part of a navigational safety risk assessment.
19:45 – 20:00 Closure
The event is in collaboration with Danish Society for Naval Architecture and IDA Maritim
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