Memorable Presentations - Make an impact with your message! (English will be spoken)

Memorable Presentations - Make an impact with your message! (English will be spoken)
We communicate in many different situations, e.g., in physical and online meetings, job interviews and project collaborations. You need to know how to make an impact with your expert knowledge, so you can present in a way that makes people listen and act.

Being a great communicator is essential to almost any profession. No matter the situation, you need to know how to make an impact with your expert knowledge, so you can present your ideas, your services and your projects in a way that makes people listen and act. 

In this course, you’ll learn how to speak with impact, so you’ll connect on a deeper level with your audience, understand the structure of a great presentation and leave a lasting impact so your audience will be both inspired and take action. You will also learn how to articulate your ideas in a way that both specialists and non-specialists will understand and find interesting. 

When you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to: 

  • Relate to your audience so that you can create a positive first impression and establish a strong relation 
  • Train your body language and voice, so that you can use them as tools during social interactions 
  • Use different models to create an understanding of values and engagement in your audience 
  • Work actively with your personal presentation 

The workshop is constructed with an in-depth walkthrough of relevant theory, which is then expanded with practical hands-on exercises and case discussions in smaller
groups. In this way, you can use the learning points right after the workshop to take your next presentations to new heights. 

About the evening: 

The workshop is on May 7th. You are very welcome from 5.00 pm where you can get a coffee/tea, soft drink and a cake, and network with the early arrivers. At 5.30 pm, the formal program of the workshop will begin. During the evening there will be a sandwich, soft drink and water. The workshop will finish around 8.30 pm. 

About MB & Partners  

Since 2012, MB & Partners has been training managers, advisors and university students on how to communicate charismatically, create positive relationships and strengthen personal

MB & Partners teaches on a daily basis in organizations such as Novo Nordisk,
Arla, Dansk Standard and MOE Artelia Group as well as universities such as DTU,
CBS and Aarhus University. 

About your trainer:

Asger Lindholdt, who will be the evening’s trainer, is passionate about helping professionals to make an impact with their message and overcome challenges with sharing knowledge in a
way that makes a difference and inspires to change while motivating people towards a greater goal.  

Since 2015, Asger has taught leaders, consultants, and professional speakers how to communicate effectively, share ideas and make a difference through spoken words. The most important thing for Asger is to give his participants the power to act on their own professional goals.  

Today, Asger works as a teacher and trainer at MB & Partners, using his vast amount of experience with one-to-one training sessions as well as facilitating courses and workshops
about creating a direction and impact through communication and behavior. Asger has a Master of Science and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. He is also a certified coach, educated as a teacher and has for several years taught young professionals on all levels of experience. Asger himself knows the challenges of translating niche expert knowledge into impactful and easy-to-understand advice.  

Learn more here: Karismatisk kommunikation og ledelse

  • When

    7. maj. 2024 17:00 - 20:30
  • Where

    Airbus, Amager Landevej 147A, 2770 Kastrup

  • Registration Deadline

    29. apr. 2024 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    AVU, IDA Sjælland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
