Lean Green Belt (English) - Gentofte

IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Seven-day intensive Lean training for those aspiring to be Lean Managers and successfully implement Lean projects with measurable results.

Achieve Success as a Lean Manager

Certified Lean Green Belt is an intensive and practical program spanning Seven days. In this intensive Green Belt training we will give you the necessary skills to manage Lean Pilot projects. We combine Lean and management, and you will work with a case study as well as practical tasks that ensure in depth understanding of the thinking.

Lean principles and tools

This course gives you the ability to translate Lean theory into practice. On the first two days of the training, we ensure a basic understanding of the Lean principles and the necessary knowledge of the tools (Lean Yellow Belt).  After this, we focus on you as a project manager, where you are trained in Lean as a method through practical case work on a chosen case-project. You gain knowledge about Change Management and the managerial tools that are essential for the successful implementation of organizational changes.

The course is very practically oriented, and we do not just give you concepts – but concrete tools and exercises that you can take home and implement in your own project. You will be working on the case-project during the last five training days, where we have mixed days with both theoretical teaching and practical casework and exercises. We of course provide sparring and a helping hand as you work on your project. The training is completed by an examination. The exam is a 30-minute presentation of your case-project. The purpose of the exam is to ascertain the degree to which you have understood Lean management and the application of the most important Lean tools.

In the Certified Lean Green Belt training, you will cover:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the history of Lean
  • The 5 Lean principles
  • The 8 types of waste
  • Overview of Lean tools and techniques
  • Kaizen – how do we create continuous improvements
  • Visual management
  • Lean in practice through Lean games, exercises and cases

Day 2:

  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)– process mapping
  • Exercises in Lean tools
  • Improvement suggestions for the Value Stream
  • Prioritizing improvement suggestions
  • Goal setting and customer expectations
  • Kaizen Board meetings
  • Challenges in implementation

Day 3:

  • Process mapping and selection
  • Burning platform and Vision
  • SMART goal setting
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Management plan
  • PIR communication

Day 4:

  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as-is
  • Mapping of your own process
  • Waste hunting
  • Data collection
  • Analysis reveals

Day 5:

·         Workshop day including coaching and support

Day 6:

  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to-be
  • Design principles
  • Problem analysis
  • Gap analysis and prioritization
  • Continuous improvements

  Day 7:

  • Behavioral profiles
  • The good team
  • Lean Leadership
  • Change management
  • Situational leadership
  • Audit

IDA supports the UN's world goals

IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • When

    From: 4. jun. 2024 - 09:00 To: 28. jun. 2024 - 16:00
  • Where

    Lean Akademiets Auditorium, Schæffergården, Jægersborg Allé 166, 2820 Gentofte

  • Registration Deadline

    30. maj. 2024 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    IDA Learning

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
