IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
LadyWalk foregår samtidig 15 forskellige steder i Danmark, og du vælger selv (på dagen) om du vil gå 3, 7 eller 12 km. Der er ingen aldersbegrænsning, så det har ingen betydning om du på denne vandring går selv eller transporteres i klapvogn, så længe du er en ’lady’.
Igen i år opfordres IDA kvindelige medlemmer til at deltage og hanke op i andre kvindelige bekendte og sammen med kvindelige venner, familiemedlemmer, bekendte samt kolleger til at møde op og gå årets LadyWalk i en stor flok bestående af kvinder i alle aldre.
Med i prisen får du:
✅ Årets LadyWalk t-shirt
✅ En goodie bag
✅ En fantastisk oplevelse sammen med en masse skønne kvinder
✅ Din støtte til Hjerteforeningen, KIU (kræft i underlivet) og OvaCure
🕕 Mødetid: Kl. 16:30 (netværke over en sandwich og lidt snacks og drikke)
🕠 Opvarmning, taler og fællessang: Kl. 17:30
🕕 Løbsstart: Kl. 18:00
Der gøres opmærksom på, at når I kommer i mål efter jeres gennemførte distance, slutter aftenen uden yderligere fælles IDA-afslutning.
Ses vi mandag d. 26. maj?
IDA kontaktperson: Christina Cohr, 51 43 61 18
Jeg vil stå lige til højre for den højre halindgang med min sorte IDA-jakke.
Der opkræves et no-show gebyr på 200,- kr. ved udeblivelse eller afbud efter fristens udløb.
LadyWalk takes place simultaneously in 15 different locations across Denmark, and you can decide on the day whether to walk 3, 7, or 12 km. There is no age limit, so whether you walk on your own or ride in a stroller, as long as you’re a ‘lady,’ you’re welcome!
Once again this year, female IDA members are encouraged to participate - bring along female friends, family members, colleagues, and acquaintances to walk together in a large group of women of all ages.
Included in your registration fee:
✅ This year’s LadyWalk t-shirt
✅ A goodie bag
✅ An unforgettable experience with amazing women
✅ Your support for Hjerteforeningen, KIU (gynecological cancer), and OvaCure
Event Details:
🕕 Meeting Time: 16:30 (networking over a sandwich, snacks & drinks)
🕠 Warm-up, speeches, and community singing (in Danish): 17:30
🕕 Official start: 18:00
Once you complete your chosen distance, the event concludes without any additional IDA gathering.
📅 See you on Monday, May 26?
IDA Contact Person: Christina Cohr (51 43 61 18)
Meeting point: Just right of the right-hand entrance to the hall - look for my black IDA jacket.
No-show fee:
A 200,00 DKK fee applies for cancellations after the deadline or failure to attend.
IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
ANYONE CAN JOIN - Most of IDA's events are open to everyone, but you must have an IDA user profile in order to participate. It's free and non-binding - create a user profile now. As a member of IDA, you get a discount on many of our events, so please sign in with your member login when you sign up for an event. Read more about the benefits of an IDA membership here.