IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
IDA vil gerne invitere dig til en uformel oplevelse med og omkring kunst.
Kl. 17.00 I NB galleriet får de tilmeldte gæster et indblik i galleriets kunst, en
rundvisning, en historie om kunst eller noget helt andet - aldrig to onsdags-arrangementer
er ens.
Kunst og Mad er en oplagt mulighed til at mødes omkring kunst og mad på
det underholdende og samtidig indførende plan. Det uhøjtidelige forenes med
viden og en fin madoplevelse.
Det er
oftest Thorkild NB Nielsen, som står for indholdet i arrangementet mellem kl.
17 og 18 i galleriet.
18.00 fortsætter vi på Restaurant For Enden Af Gaden, hvor kokkene står
klar med et spændende kulinarisk måltid baseret på lokale råvarer, samt et glas
vin dertil.
Normalt slutter Kunst og Mad ca. kl. 19.30, men
man er naturligvis velkommen til efterfølgende at fortsætte hyggen.
Hilsen Lidia
tlf. 22213283
IDA would like to invite you to an informal experience with and around art.
At 17.00 In the NB gallery, the registered guests get an insight into the gallery's art, a tour, a story about art or ... no two Wednesday events are ever the same.
Art and Food is an obvious opportunity to meet around art and food on an entertaining and at the same time informative level. The unpretentious is combined with knowledge and a fine dining experience.
It is usually Thorkild NB Nielsen, who is responsible for the content of the event between 17 and 18 in the gallery.
At At 18.00 we continue at Restaurant For Enden Af Gaden, where the chefs are ready with an exciting culinary meal based on local ingredients, as well as a glass of wine.
Art and Food usually end approx. at 19.30, but you are of course welcome to continue the fun afterwards.
IDA wants to make visible the link to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This event covers, among other things, the above development goals. Read more about the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)