Indoor skydiving

Indoor skydiving
Try the feeling of soaring through the air - it’s an intense and seriously exciting experience! Prøv følelsen af at svæve ned i frit fald - det er en intens og virkelig sjov oplevelse!


Har du altid haft lyst til at prøve, hvordan det føles at springe ud fra et fly højt over jorden? Ligger der en faldskærmsudspringer gemt i maven på dig? 

Så er dette event noget for dig. Air Experience og IDA bringer dig en unik og fed mulighed for at afprøve indoor skydiving.

Deltagerne vil modtage instruktion, hvorefter de placeres i en lodret vindtunnel, der simulerer oplevelsen af at springe ud fra et fly. 

I sølvpakken er der inkluderet udstyr, vejledning, 3 minutter i vindtunnellen og videooptagelse af dig i vindtunnellen. 

Hvis du har spørgsmål til arrangementet, er du velkommen til at kontakte teamkoordinator Emilie Kristensen på OBS: Ved problemer med tilmelding kontakt medlemsservice, 

Have you always wanted to try, how it feels like to jump out of a plane high above the ground? Is there a parachute jumper hidden inside you?

Then this event is just for you. Air Experience and IDA brings you a unique and cool opportunity to try out indoor skydiving.

The concept is that the participants will receive instruction, after which they will be placed in a vertical wind tunnel, which simulates the experience of jumping from a plane.

In the silver package, equipment, guidance, 3 minutes in the wind tunnel and a personal video of you in the wind tunnel is included. 

If you have questions regarding this event, you are welcome to contact team coordinator Emilie Kristensen at If you have problems with registration, contact member services at 

  • When

    5. nov. 2023 11:00 - 14:00
  • Where

    Air Experience , Galgebakkevej 3, 2630 Taastrup

  • Registration Deadline

    4. nov. 2023 - 14:00

  • Organizer

    Studieudvalg, IDA Nordsjælland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
