Change in eating practice across the Nordic countries

Change in eating practice across the Nordic countries
The two professors Jukka Gronow and Lotte Holm will present results from their new book about change in eating practice across Nordic countries. Are we facing a collapse of the traditional eating habits, family meals and regular meal patterns?

[Below you can read about the book]

Hvad sker der med vores måltidsmønstre i det moderne samfund? En ny bog – Everyday eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden – bringer resultaterne af to store sociologiske undersøgelser, som blev gennemført med 15 års mellemrum i 1997 og 2012. Projektet belyser hvordan befolkningernes måder at spise på forandres og diskuterer hypoteser fra de senere års videnskabelige debatter om traditionsopløsning, individualisering, om nedbrydning af normer og konventioner på madområdet, og om mere fleksible omgangsformer i vores sociale liv.

Bogens to redaktører, Professor Jukka Gronow, Helsinki Universitet og Professor Lotte Holm, Københavns Universitet, vil præsentere bogen og projektets resultater. Der vil blive vist resultater vedrørende hvornår og hvor vi spiser, sammen med hvem, hvordan måltider foregår, hvad vi spiser og hvem der laver maden.


17:00 Cofee and sandwich

17:20 Welcome: Thorkild Nielsen

17:25 Professor Lotte Holm from Denmark and Professor Emeritus Jukka Gronow from Finland

18:30 Q&A and discussion

19:00 Go home and eat :-)

PS: Presentation and discussion will be in English

ABOUT the book:

Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A comparative study of mealpatterns 1997-2012. Jukka Gronow and Lotte Holm (eds). London: Bloomsbury, 2019.

This book concentrates on the mundane and ordinary eating practices of the everyday, showing how these are linked to change in modern society. The contributors present a collection of systematic empirical results from a unique study based on representative samples of four Nordic populations – Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden – conducted at two time points, 15 years apart. The results of this unprecedented longitudinal survey leads the contributors to question many commonly held beliefs about the presumed and feared collapse of the traditional eating habits, family meals, and regular meal patterns.

As the social organisation of eating is in many ways related to developments in other social institutions such as family, education, and work, chapters provide interesting insights into contemporary society, with key topics selected for scrutiny including gender, food types, diet and health, and cooking practices. Additionally, the chapters highlight changes in the gendering of food practices and signs of increasing informality around meals.

  • When

    16. apr. 2019 17:00 - 19:00
  • Where

    IDA Conference, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1530 København V

  • Registration Deadline

    15. apr. 2019 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    IDA Levnedsmiddelselskabet

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
