Hugo's Pub Quiz

Hugo's Pub Quiz
Hugos Pub Quiz med sandwich og specialøl // Hugo's Pub Quiz with sandwich and special beer

Pub quiz er et meget udbredt fænomen i England. Hugos kælder har entreret med den engelske ingeniør Paul Wilson om at skabe en tilsvarende atmosfære i den hyggelige kælder i Køge. Der quizzes over fire temaer, der varierer fra gang til gang.
Der er flotte præmier til det vindende hold. Hvor svært kan det være? Kom og prøv.
I prisen er inkluderet 2 special-fadøl efter frit valg fra Hugos mange haner samt en sandwich fra byens berømte sandwichcafé.

Quizzen starter ca. 19:30 og slutter ca. 22.00

Bemærk frist for framelding.

Arrangør: Thormann Madsen mob. 9370 1528

Pub quizzes are a very common phenomena in Britain. Hugos Kælder (Hugo’s Basement) has struck a deal with the British engineer Paul Wilson to create a similar atmosphere in the cozy basement in Køge. The quiz has four topics that varies from one time to the next.
There are great prizes for the winning team. How difficult can it be? Come and try.
The price includes two special-pint of your own choice from Hugo’s’ many taps and a sandwich from the famous sandwich café.
Quiz partly translated into English as per prior request only.

The quiz starts approximately at 19:30 and ends around 22:00.

Please notice the cancellation deadline. 

Organizer: Thormann Madsen mob. 9370 1528 

  • When

    31. okt. 2023 18:30 - 22:00
  • Where

    Hugo's kælder, Brogade 19, 4600 Køge

  • Registration Deadline

    22. okt. 2023 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Roskilde-Køge Afdeling, IDA Sjælland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
