Find a new job using LinkedIn - Webinar

Find a new job using LinkedIn - Webinar
Get your morning coffee with IDA and learn how to improve your job search using LinkedIn.

Get your morning coffee with IDA and learn how to improve your job search using LinkedIn.

Whether you are actively looking for a job or just considering a switch, an active presence on LinkedIn is crucial for your odds.

On this course you will be introduced to a series of tips and tricks designed to improve your online impact – with a special focus on job search.

You don’t have to be a skilled user of LinkedIn to participate, but you will get the most out of this brief course if you are familiar with the basic features.

There will be plenty of opportunities to get hands on experience.

Instructors: Career counsellors Morten Esmann and Lise Dan, IDA.

Registration procedure for the webinar:

Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation e-mail. At the bottom of this mail you will find a link to the webinar. You log in through this link and are forwarded to the site where the webinar is shown.

Zoom Webinar: This is a Zoom webinar. It is our experience that it only takes a few minutes to log on. If you want all webinar features, we recommend to download Zoom and log on 5 minutes before the meeting starts. The Zoom app is easy and user-friendly. All you need to be ready, is audio and camera "switched on" at your PC, mobile or tablet.

Privacy info: If you would like to participate anonymously, we recommend you join by browser instead of using the Zoom software client or app, and when Zoom asks you to provide your name you can enter "Anon" or another pseudonym. Zoom processes personal information in global datacenters including USA and processing is carried out according to EU Commission standard data protection clauses. Privacy Shield. For further details, we refer you to the Zoom privacy policy available here:

Video: This event is recorded and you can within approx. one day watch the recorded video here: All videos

Chat function: During the webinar we encourage you to use the chat to ask questions as we go along.

Participation fra a work pc: If you participate in the webinar from a work pc, you may experience that you are unable to log in due to the firewall installed by your company. Therefore, it may be necessary to log in on your own pc or tablet.

Wiew and sign up for IDA's upcoming webinars, see overview here: All webinars

Wiev IDA's videos (previous webinars), see overview here: All videos

Sign up: Not a member? In order to sign up, you must create a user profile. Note, when creating a user profile, you will be able to access IDA's online services - you will not become a member of IDA.

Important information regarding personal data on participant lists
Your name, title and company will appear on the attendance list for this event. The participant list is available to the organizer and the other participants on the event itself, in the form of a physical participant list and online attendance list. In addition, at some events, name tags are provided, where your name, title and company appear. If you unsubscribe from the event, your information will not appear in the attendance list.
When you are registered as a participant at this webinar, you will also automatically receive info about the next webinar within the same subject area.

  • When

    20. maj. 2020 08:30 - 10:00
  • Where


  • Registration Deadline

    19. maj. 2020 - 23:59

  • Organizer

    EnglishForum, IDA København

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
