Our group has been split up and we must find each other to escape the killer! Join for a thrilling experience and see if you are smart enough to succeed.
We have found ourselves in quite a predicament! This time we are going to the third room from Mystermakers and it is said to be their hardest room, so brace yourselves and bring some quick and smart minds! Or remain together with the murderer.
Good to know:
- It is important to show up before the event starts, preferably 15 minutes before, as we cannot guarantee being able to join after the escape room has started.
- Two teams will be made and they consist of max 7 people on each team
- While playing, if you are stuck for too long, then there will be given hints, besides that it will be up to you and your team
- If interested, you can read more about the specific theme below on their page: https://mysterymakers.dk/en/about-mystery-room/the-killing-room/
If you have questions regarding this event, you are welcome to contact team coordinator, Emilie Kristensen, at emilieg@ida.dk. If you have problems with registration, contact member services at https://ida.dk/kontakt/spoergsmaal-til-arrangementer.