Design of Experiments – Tools to speed up research

Design of Experiments – Tools to speed up research
Make the most out of your experiments by using DoE – Design of Experiments.

Design of Experiments (DoE) is a very effective tool for choosing settings that will boost the knowledge gained from experiments. Using DoE generally produces better outcomes than the intuitive “changing one factor at a time” approach. It might seem uneasy to jump into the first DoE, but fortunately there are useful tools to guide you on the way. This webinar will give you an introduction to DoE and some of the tools using real life examples.  

We have invited two experts in the field who will introduce you to traditional DoE as well as new ways of planning experiments. They will present the following:  

  • Mette Marie Løkke (Arla): Using DoE for production optimisation   
  • Morten Bormann Nielsen (Teknologisk Institut): Brownie Bee – Efficient optimization in a simple web-based DOE tool

Join us for webinar packed with information.  

  • When

    27. maj. 2024 15:00 - 16:00
  • Where

    Webinar - In front of your pc/tablet/phone

  • Registration Deadline

    26. maj. 2024 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    IDA Kemi

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
