Curious Today – Partner Tomorrow: Simulering

Curious Today – Partner Tomorrow: Simulering
I samarbejde med SDU's robot laboratorier præsenterer vi her en række små indlæg om simulering fra forskere. Hør om simulering af maskinudvikling, produktions flow og robot udvikling. Mødet er et online Zoom møde.

I samarbejde med SDU bliver du her inviteret til at lytte med på de rækker forskeres foredrag om simulering.

Foredragene forgår på engelsk.

15:30 - Tune in, coffee and greetings.
Grab a cup of coffee. Find a chair and tune in to the ZOOM meeting. Greetings will be immediately prior to four o’clock.

16:00 - Researchers corner

• Stud. PhD Jesper Puggard de Oliveira Hansen:
”Mechatronic machine development and tests through Simulation and Virtual Commissioning”.
Developing new accurate mechatronic based machines is a challenging and costly process that typically requires many tests and iterations before ending up with the final machine, and even once the machine is built, changes and corrections is made. Being able to develop, build and test everything beforehand or simultaneously in a realistic virtual environment can therefore be a gamechanger.

• Stud. PhD Daniel Anthony Howard:
“Unlocking energy flexibility potentials in industrial facilities through production flow simulation”
Flexible energy production enables the reduction of electricity costs and CO2 emissions through active involvement in the energy system. Using a digital twin-based methodology as a framework for simulating products’ flow in industrial facilities allows discovering new and innovative approaches for testing and incorporating new energy-aware production strategies with minimal risk to product quality and deadlines.

• Asst. Prof Joe Alexandersen:
“Multiphysics Simulation and Optimization”
Optimal design has the strength to reduce our negative impact on the world and push the limits of what was previously possible. Simulation-based optimisation is a computation-driven approach, requiring efficient simulation methods and high-performance computing to make it feasible to treat industrial problems. Our work focuses on interactions between mechanics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Efficient computational tools are formulated and applied to simulation-based design of electronics cooling, high heat flux cooling, microfluidic devices, and manufacturing processes.

• Assc. Prof. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar and Stud. PhD Jonas Friederich:
”Data-driven Assessment of Reliability for Cyber-Physical Production Systems”
Development of tools and methodology that learn reliability models from data that is generated in CPPS. Our work incorporates development Fault Detection and Diagnosis capabilities, along with methodology for learning causal fault models. Simulation methods is developed and utilized to analyse reliability and availability of CPPS. Developed models and simulations is utilized as decision support for preventive maintenance scheduling and optimization of CPPS configuration.

• Prof. Christian Schlette:
”Model- and simulation-based development of complex robotic systems and services”
Model- and simulation-based engineering puts digital models and computer simulations at the core of our engineering methodology for robotic technologies at SDU Robotics. The core approach of our engineering methodology is to implement comprehensive, simulatable virtual replicas of robotic systems and services for the incremental development and optimization of system hardware, control algorithms and lifecycle services (i.e. to support deployment, operation and maintenance).

Info vedr. anvendte platform:
Webinaret afvikles i Zoom og af SDU, hvorfor IDA  ikke kan stilles til ansvar for teknikken eller kvaliteten.

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  • When

    21. apr. 2021 15:30 - 18:00
  • Where

    Webinar foran din egen pc, tablet, smartphone

  • Registration Deadline

    20. apr. 2021 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    IDA Syd

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
