Cover letter - do’s and don’ts

Cover letter - do’s and don’ts
For students and newly graduates only. Your first step towards a job is to slip through the needle eye of being called to an interview.

It takes an application, that stands out and one that is targeted the specific job. The challenge is that your application must be concrete and personal. This require you to spend time on research, because most often the job post doesn’t give you enough information to work with.

Preparation – expectations – breakout rooms: 

In order to get the most out of the seminar watch this tutorial about cover letter and adapt your cover letter according to the tips. Bring your cover letter to the workshop and be ready for feedback in groups. During this seminar you’ll get concrete tips and knowledge about how to write a good application and on what information you should be looking for.

The seminar will be facilitated by two of IDAs career advisers, and it will be a mixture of theory and tools and breakout rooms. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions within the scope of the workshop and we expect you to participate actively. 

You will receive the link for the online seminar a few days prior to the seminar and on the same days as the seminar. Follow the instructions in the mail with the link and make sure that sound and picture is working.

If you have signed up for the seminar, but are unable to attend, please remember to cancel so someone else can get your online spot. If you don’t attend and haven’t cancelled, we will charge you with a no-show fee.

The seminar is part of our "Uni to Job" universe, targeted for students, graduates and members who have completed their studies within the past two years. The titels of the workshops are: Pinpoint your skills, How to make a good CV, Cover letter do's and dont's, Networking - the best hack for your job search, Tips and tricks for unsolicited job search, The Job Interview and Get a good start in your first job. You can see an overview of the workshops here and sign up.

When you register for seminar, you agree that IDA's organizers can send you emails with relevant content before and after the event.

  • When

    3. maj. 2023 09:00 - 11:00
  • Where


  • Registration Deadline

    2. maj. 2023 - 23:59

  • Organizer


  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
