Copenhagen Atomics - The Future of Energy

Copenhagen Atomics - The Future of Energy
Founded in 2014, Copenhagen Atomics is a Danish company pioneering the development of thorium molten salt reactors. We are committed to delivering clean, cheap and efficient energy to meet the world's growing demands.

The reactor type invented by Copenhagen Atomics is a thorium molten salt breeder reactor, which fits inside a custom-built 40-foot shipping container. The reactor can be mass manufactured on assembly lines with an expected output of a minimum of one reactor per day (per assembly line).

Event Highlights

Presentation: An overview of our journey towards the thorium molten salt reactor and our latest technology advancements, including our collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, focusing on the upcoming critical experiment scheduled for 2026-27.

Facility Tour: A guided tour showcasing our state-of-the-art research and development areas.

Copenhagen Atomics presents a new reactor design with different physics than all other previous reactor designs, resulting in much lower energy prices and fewer materials used. The resulting energy prices are expected to be 1⁄4 of the typical price of classic nuclear reactors. The target customers are large plants producing commodities such as aluminium, ammonia, or hydrogen.

In addition to radically lower energy prices, this new type of reactor can also use “waste” from classic nuclear reactors, extracting ten times more energy from this spent nuclear fuel than the initial reactor was able to. Additionally, the waste left behind by the Copenhagen Atomics reactor only needs to be stored for 300 years above ground, vs. 100,000 years of deep geological storage for nuclear waste from traditional reactors.

At some point during the event, a sandwich will be served.

No-show Fee

Remember to cancel your registration if you cannot attend; otherwise, a no-show fee of 200,- DKK will be charged.

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  • When

    20. maj. 2025 17:00 - 20:00
  • Where

    Copenhagen Atomics, Oliefabriksvej 77, 2770 Kastrup

  • Registration Deadline

    6. maj. 2025 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Fagteknik, IDA Nordsjælland

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number


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