Join us for a cozy evening at Bastard Café, This cafe has a huge(!!) collection of board games and a warm and cozy vibe. Plus, a drink of your choice is included in the price.
We will meet in front of the "Huset" Bastard cafe (its a 5-10 minute walk from the Copenhagen city hall) and from there we will have a table, where we can play board games with eachother and get to meet other people through board games.
No prior knowledge of any games is needed to participate - anyone willing and up for a cozy time is welcome :)
Come relax, play some games, and have a nice evening. See you there!
If you have questions regarding this event, you are welcome to contact team coordinator Nanna Rathmann på nannar@stud.ida.dk. If you have problems with registration, contact member services at https://ida.dk/kontakt/spoergsmaal-til-arrangementer.
Kom med til en hyggelig aften på Bastard Café, Bastard har en mega stor samling af brætspil! og en varm og hyggelig vibe. Derudover er en valgfri drink med i med i prisen.
Vi mødes foran "Huset" Bastard Café (5-10 min. gåtur fra rådhuspladsen) og derfra har vi et bord hvor vi kan spille brætspil med hinanden og møde andre mennesker via brætspil.
Du behøver ikke nogen viden på forhånd om nogen spil - alle der har lyst og vil have det hyggeligt er velkomne :)
Kom og slap af, spil nogle brætspil og hav en nice aften. Vi ses!
Hvis du har spørgsmål til arrangementet, er du velkommen til at kontakte teamkoordinator Nanna Rathmann på nannar@stud.ida.dk. OBS: Ved problemer med tilmelding, kontakt medlemsservice, https://ida.dk/kontakt/spoergsmaal-til-arrangementer.
ANYONE CAN JOIN - Most of IDA's events are open to everyone, but you must have an IDA user profile in order to participate. It's free and non-binding - create a user profile now. As a member of IDA, you get a discount on many of our events, so please sign in with your member login when you sign up for an event. Read more about the benefits of an IDA membership here.